Die Dinos
Michael Jacobs, Bob YoungSchauspieler:
Sally Struthers, Stuart Pankin, Sherman Hemsley, Jason Willinger, Christopher Meloni, Sam McMurray, Jessica Walter, Suzie Plakson, Kevin Clash, Florence StanleyIm Mittelpunkt der Serie steht die vermenschlichte Dinosaurierfamilie Sinclair, die in einer Gesellschaft lebt, welche sich als eine Mixtur aus Moderne und einer fiktiven, von Dinosauriern bevölkerten Steinzeit präsentiert und ähnlich wie die Familie Feuerstein einer stereotypischen US-amerikanischen Familie nachempfunden ist.
Kern der Handlung sind mehr oder weniger alltägliche Probleme und Ereignisse, mit denen die Familie konfrontiert wird, wobei die Dinosaurier satirisch naiv dargestellt werden. Sie stehen stets im Kontext zur Wirklichkeit, sind meist gesellschaftskritisch ausgelegt und mit Slapstick-Einlagen vermengt
Dinosaurs follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have TV's, fridges, microwaves, and every modern convenience. The Dinosaurs are an animatronics stone-age working-class family created by Jim Henson for Disney. Incredibly overweight, even for a dinosaur, Earl Sinclair is married to Fran and tries/fails to support 14-year-old valley girl Charlene, 16-year-old Robbie (whose crest eventually turns into a Mohawk and gets dyed purple), widowed, cranky Grandma Ethel, and terrible-twos Baby, the true master of the house. Sharp social commentary is featured surprisingly often; Earl is a tree-pusher for the Wesayso Development Corp., which regularly implements schemes to screw their workers even more and destroy the world for marginal profit increment. Chilled but live prey are kept in the refrigerator and are helpful when you can't find the milk, and caveman Hu...
Dinosaurs follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have TV's, fridges, microwaves, and every modern convenience. The Dinosaurs are an animatronics stone-age working-class family created by Jim Henson for Disney. Incredibly overweight, even for a dinosaur, Earl Sinclair is married to Fran and tries/fails to support 14-year-old valley girl Charlene, 16-year-old Robbie (whose crest eventually turns into a Mohawk and gets dyed purple), widowed, cranky Grandma Ethel, and terrible-twos Baby, the true master of the house. Sharp social commentary is featured surprisingly often; Earl is a tree-pusher for the Wesayso Development Corp., which regularly implements schemes to screw their workers even more and destroy the world for marginal profit increment. Chilled but live prey are kept in the refrigerator and are helpful when you can't find the milk, and caveman Hu...