Die Drachenreiter von Berk
Chris SandersSchauspieler:
Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Julie Marcus, America Ferrera, Zack Pearlman, T.J. Miller, Jay Baruchel, Nolan North, Chris Edgerly, Tim Conway, Thomas F. Wilson, Stephen RootAuch nachdem die Wikinger von Berk und die einst mit ihnen verfeindeten Drachen Frieden miteinander geschlossen haben, ist das gemeinsame Zusammenleben zwischen den beiden Gruppen immer noch nicht so harmonisch, wie man es gerne hätte. Um diesen Umstand zu beheben, gründen Hicks und seine Freunde die Drachentrainingsakademie von Berk, um die Drachen fürs Zusammenleben mit den Menschen fit zu machen. Jedoch gibt es einige Parteien, die weitaus finsterere Zwecke mit den Drachen verfolgen, und auch bei diesen Gelegenheiten muss Hicks seine Intelligenz und Führungskraft zum Wohle der Wikinger und der Drachen gleichermaßen aufbieten.
DreamWorks Dragons picks up where the critically-acclaimed feature film, How to Train Your Dragon, left off, this weekly animated series follows the continuing adventures of Hiccup and his dragon Toothless on the island of Berk, along with the band of dragon trainers, all of whom now have dragons of their own! Through their training, the kids are finding out the cool things dragons can do. Not only will they learn more about their dragons, they'll also discover new ones and battle against enemies as they explore worlds they never dreamed existed.
DreamWorks Dragons picks up where the critically-acclaimed feature film, How to Train Your Dragon, left off, this weekly animated series follows the continuing adventures of Hiccup and his dragon Toothless on the island of Berk, along with the band of dragon trainers, all of whom now have dragons of their own! Through their training, the kids are finding out the cool things dragons can do. Not only will they learn more about their dragons, they'll also discover new ones and battle against enemies as they explore worlds they never dreamed existed.