Die Goldbergs
Adam F. GoldbergSchauspieler:
Wendi McLendon-Covey, Jeff Garlin, Patton Oswalt, Sean Giambrone, Troy Gentile, Hayley Orrantia, George Segal, Sam Lerner, Amanda Michalka, Bryan Callen, Tim Meadows, Rachel Crow, Summer Parker, Nia LongDas Single-Kamera-Comedyprojekt „The Goldbergs“, das auf Goldbergs eigenen Erfahrungen als Heranwachsender in den 1980ern basiert, stellt eine liebevolle, aber durchgedrehte Familie zu dieser Zeit in den Mittelpunkt. Im Zentrum stehen eine laute und direkte Mutter und ein temperamentvoller Vater mit Hang zu Ausrastern. Die beiden lieben ihre exzentrischen Kinder so sehr, dass sie es nicht aushalten, sie erwachsen werden zu lassen.
Wendi McLendon-Covey spielt mit Beverly Gold eine sehr engagierte Mutter. Bei ihr handelt es sich um eine furchtbar emotionale Kaufsüchtige, die nicht weiß, wo ihre Grenzen als Elternteil sind. Sie verfügt über ein großes Mundwerk, das sie oft und gerne einsetzt.
Before there were parenting blogs, trophies for showing up and peanut allergies, there was a simpler time called the '80s. For geeky and movie obsessed youngest child Adam, these were his wonder years, and he faced them armed with a video camera to capture all the crazy. The Goldbergs are a loving family like any other -- just with a lot more yelling. Mom Beverly is a classic "smother," an overbearing, overprotective matriarch who loves her delicious kids, but still rules this brood with 100% authority and zero sense of boundaries. Dad Murray is gruff and sometimes oblivious, parenting with half his attention span but all his heart. Sister Erica is popular and terrifying, doing her best to cover up that she's the smartest of the clan. Barry is a passionate dreamer, who maybe dreams a little too big and who always gets the short end of the stick. Adam is the youngest, a camera-wielding future director who's navigating first love, and growing up with his family. Rounding out the family is beloved grandfather Al "Pops" Solomon, the wild man of the clan, a shameless Don Juan who's learning as much from his family as he teaches them.
Before there were parenting blogs, trophies for showing up and peanut allergies, there was a simpler time called the '80s. For geeky and movie obsessed youngest child Adam, these were his wonder years, and he faced them armed with a video camera to capture all the crazy. The Goldbergs are a loving family like any other -- just with a lot more yelling. Mom Beverly is a classic "smother," an overbearing, overprotective matriarch who loves her delicious kids, but still rules this brood with 100% authority and zero sense of boundaries. Dad Murray is gruff and sometimes oblivious, parenting with half his attention span but all his heart. Sister Erica is popular and terrifying, doing her best to cover up that she's the smartest of the clan. Barry is a passionate dreamer, who maybe dreams a little too big and who always gets the short end of the stick. Adam is the youngest, a camera-wielding future director who's navigating first love, and growing up with his family. Rounding out the family is beloved grandfather Al "Pops" Solomon, the wild man of the clan, a shameless Don Juan who's learning as much from his family as he teaches them.