Die Leute von der Shiloh Ranch
Doug McClure, James Drury, Clu Gulager, Randy Boone, John McIntire, Sara Lane, Roberta Shore, Lee J. CobbNiemand kennt seinen Namen: Der Mann aus Virginia (Der ‚Virginian‘) ist Vorarbeiter auf der Shiloh Ranch von Richter Henry Garth. Der Cowboy Trampas hilft ihm bei seinen vielen Aufgaben. Und im Lauf der Jahre erleben sie zusammen die absonderlichsten Abenteuer mit Indianern, Verbrechern, Spielhöllenbesitzern, Einwohnern und Neulingen; unterwegs auf dem Viehtrieb, Kriegspfad oder entspannten Ausritt. Im Lauf der Zeit wechseln die Besitzer der Farm – nur der Virginian und Trampas bleiben in allen Folgen auf der Farm. Sie geraten in die unterschiedlichsten Abenteuer und haben für alles eine Lösung – auch wenn es dazu manchmal hart her gehen muss.
The Virginian was the very first 90 minute western on prime-time television, and is about a man, only known as "The Virginian" who served as foreman on the Shiloh Ranch (owned in sequence by Judge Garth, the Grainger brothers, and Col. MacKenzie) in 19th century Medicine Bow, Wyoming. James Drury starred as the title character with the likes of Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, John McIntire, and Clu Gulager co-starring. It is in these settings that a variety of stories, much more based on character and relationships than the usual westerns, take place.
The Virginian was the very first 90 minute western on prime-time television, and is about a man, only known as "The Virginian" who served as foreman on the Shiloh Ranch (owned in sequence by Judge Garth, the Grainger brothers, and Col. MacKenzie) in 19th century Medicine Bow, Wyoming. James Drury starred as the title character with the likes of Doug McClure, Lee J. Cobb, John McIntire, and Clu Gulager co-starring. It is in these settings that a variety of stories, much more based on character and relationships than the usual westerns, take place.