Die Schatzsucher - Goldrausch in Alaska
Rick Ness, Tony Beets, Fred Lewis, Dave Turin, Parker SchnabelDer Wilde Westen war gestern, doch das Goldfieber ist zurück. Mit einem festen Ziel vor Augen, nehmen sechs Männer in der Wildnis Alaskas ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand: Auf einem abgeschiedenen Claim nahe der kanadischen Grenze wollen sie nach Gold schürfen. Zusammen mit seinem Vater Jack, einem echten Goldrausch-Veteran, hat Todd Hoffman eine Handvoll motivierter Männer um sich versammelt. Die Hoffnung auf Reichtum, Ruhm und faustgroße Nuggets treibt sie dabei zu Höchstleistungen an. Doch was sich nach der wildromantischen Verwirklichung eines Kindheitstraums anhört, ist knüppelharte Arbeit gepaart mit hohem Risiko: Wildlebende Bären, extreme Witterung und herbe Enttäuschungen warten auf die Schatzsucher in einer gottverlassenen Gegend.
Gold Rush follows six men who, in the face of an economic meltdown, risk everything - their families, their dignity, and in some cases, their lives - to strike it rich mining for gold in the wilds of Alaska. Inspired by his father Jack, Todd Hoffman of Sandy, Oregon, leads a group of greenhorn miners to forge a new frontier and save their families from dire straits. While leasing a gold claim in Alaska, Todd and his company of newbies face the grandeur of Alaska as well as its hardships, including an impending winter that will halt operations and the opportunity to strike gold. In an effort to keep the operation running, the team takes fate into their own hands with a make or break venture that will change their lives forever.
Gold Rush follows six men who, in the face of an economic meltdown, risk everything - their families, their dignity, and in some cases, their lives - to strike it rich mining for gold in the wilds of Alaska. Inspired by his father Jack, Todd Hoffman of Sandy, Oregon, leads a group of greenhorn miners to forge a new frontier and save their families from dire straits. While leasing a gold claim in Alaska, Todd and his company of newbies face the grandeur of Alaska as well as its hardships, including an impending winter that will halt operations and the opportunity to strike gold. In an effort to keep the operation running, the team takes fate into their own hands with a make or break venture that will change their lives forever.