Die Schlümpfe
Lucille Bliss, Danny Goldman, Don Messick, Paul Winchell, Michael Bell, Brenda Vaccaro, Alan Oppenheimer, Hamilton Camp, Frank Welker, Pat Musick, Alan Young, Alan Young, Jonathon Winters, Noelle North, June Foray, William CallawayVersteckt im Wald liegt das Dorf Schlumpfhausen, in dem kleine blaue Wesen mit weißen Mützen leben, herzensgut, fröhlich und freundlich: die Schlümpfe. Papa Schlumpf ist der Kopf des Dorfs, ihn unterscheidet sein weißer Bart von den anderen und seine rote Mütze.
Zu den Bewohnern gehören der kluge Schlaubi mit der Brille, der Tollpatsch Clumsy, der Faulpelz Fauli, der eitle Beauty, der Bäcker Torti, der Witzbold Jokey, der gern Tortis Torten anderen ins Gesicht klatscht, der Griesgram Muffi sowie die einzige Schlumpfendame, Schlumpfine. Außerdem: Hefti, Harmony, Handy, Poety, Farmy und Traumy. Sie alle leben in Häusern, die wie Pilze aussehen.
Der böse Zauberer Gargamel und sein Kater Azrael haben es auf die Schlümpfe abgesehen, wissen aber nicht, wo das Dorf liegt. Gargamel lässt jedoch nichts unversucht, die Schlümpfe zu fangen. Schlumpfine war ursprünglich sein Geschöpf, das die Schlümpfe ausspionieren sollte, doch Papa Schlumpf konnte sie zu einem echten Schlumpf verzaubern.
Und so sprechen, Verzeihung, schlumpfen die Schlümpfe: "Verschlumpft noch mal" und: "Schlumpf dich davon!"
"The Smurfs" is a comic and television franchise centred on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs, created and first introduced as a series of comic strips by the Belgian cartoonist Peyo (pen name of Pierre Culliford) on October 23, 1958. The original term and the accompanying language came during a meal Peyo was having with his colleague and friend André Franquin at the Belgian Coast. Having momentarily forgotten the word "salt", Peyo asked him (in French) to pass the schtroumpf. Franquin jokingly replied: "Here's the Schtroumpf — when you are done schtroumpfing, schtroumpf it back..." and the two spent the rest of that weekend speaking in "schtroumpf language". The name was later translated into Dutch as Smurf, which was adopted in English.
"The Smurfs" is a comic and television franchise centred on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs, created and first introduced as a series of comic strips by the Belgian cartoonist Peyo (pen name of Pierre Culliford) on October 23, 1958. The original term and the accompanying language came during a meal Peyo was having with his colleague and friend André Franquin at the Belgian Coast. Having momentarily forgotten the word "salt", Peyo asked him (in French) to pass the schtroumpf. Franquin jokingly replied: "Here's the Schtroumpf — when you are done schtroumpfing, schtroumpf it back..." and the two spent the rest of that weekend speaking in "schtroumpf language". The name was later translated into Dutch as Smurf, which was adopted in English.