Die zwölf Geschworenen
Maaike Cafmeyer, Josse De Pauw, Maaike Neuville, Charlotte De Bruyne, Johan Heldenbergh, Mieke De Groote, Titus De Voogdt, Lynn Van Royen, Tom Vermeir, Zouzou Ben Chikha, Piet De Praitere, Peter Gorissen, Anne-Mieke RuytenZwölf Geschworene mit eigenen Problemen müssen über das Schicksal einer Frau entscheiden, die des Mordes an ihrer besten Freundin und der eigenen Tochter angeklagt ist.
Twelve ordinary people are called for jury duty for a murder case as traumatizing as it is controversial: the respected headmistress Fri Palmers stands accused of two murders, one of whom is her own child. Gradually, as the trial gains momentum, it is not only Fri’s fate that hangs in the balance, but also the lives of the jury members that are shaken to the core.
Twelve ordinary people are called for jury duty for a murder case as traumatizing as it is controversial: the respected headmistress Fri Palmers stands accused of two murders, one of whom is her own child. Gradually, as the trial gains momentum, it is not only Fri’s fate that hangs in the balance, but also the lives of the jury members that are shaken to the core.