Djatlow-Pass - Tod im Schnee
Илья КуликовSchauspieler:
Алексей Кирсанов, Сергей Шакуров, Пётр Фёдоров, Мария Луговая, Иван Мулин, Маша Мацель, Егор Бероев, Павел Ворожцов, Андрей Добровольский, Алексей Бардуков, Александр Метелкин, Максим Емельянов, Ирина Касамара, Юрий Дейнекин, Роман Евдокимов, Евгений АнтроповSowjetunion, 1959: Ein KGB-Mitarbeiter, der von seinen Erlebnissen im Zweiten Weltkrieg verfolgt wird, wird zur Untersuchung des mysteriösen Todes von neun Wander*innen an einem Pass im Ural hinzugezogen. Die Umstände und Indizien rund um den Fall sind seltsam bis grotesk und je weiter die Ermittlungen laufen, desto mehr wird gewahr, dass der wahre Grund hinter dem Tod der Gruppe aus guten Gründen verschleiert bleiben soll.
January 1959, Soviet Union. In the icy Ural Mountains, a group of nine students sets out on a ski trek. Even though they all are well-experienced hikers, they never reach their destination. As their bodies turn up a month later, it leaves local investigators puzzled. Their tent was cut open from the inside, they are found frozen stiff in their underwear spread around the camp, some are even partially mangled. Whom or what did they run from? Why did they die, and how? When Oleg, a KGB major, arrives in the province, his inquiry is to be held strictly confidential. Troubled by his past as a WWII veteran, he has a sixth sense and death seems to follow him around as he digs deeper into the mysterious incident. With the help of Katya, the local medical examiner, Oleg is hell-bent on finding the truth. But the more he learns, the more it becomes clear: The reason the students died will never see the light of day. No one can ever know what really happened. No one. Except him.
January 1959, Soviet Union. In the icy Ural Mountains, a group of nine students sets out on a ski trek. Even though they all are well-experienced hikers, they never reach their destination. As their bodies turn up a month later, it leaves local investigators puzzled. Their tent was cut open from the inside, they are found frozen stiff in their underwear spread around the camp, some are even partially mangled. Whom or what did they run from? Why did they die, and how? When Oleg, a KGB major, arrives in the province, his inquiry is to be held strictly confidential. Troubled by his past as a WWII veteran, he has a sixth sense and death seems to follow him around as he digs deeper into the mysterious incident. With the help of Katya, the local medical examiner, Oleg is hell-bent on finding the truth. But the more he learns, the more it becomes clear: The reason the students died will never see the light of day. No one can ever know what really happened. No one. Except him.