Cole HaddonSchauspieler:
Thomas Kretschmann, Victoria Smurfit, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, Katie McGrath, Nonso Anozie, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Jessica De Gouw, Jessica De GouwIm Jahr 1890 reist Dracula, Fürst aus dem fernen Transsilvanien, nach London. Dort gibt er sich als amerikanischer Unternehmer aus, der den Geist moderner Wissenschaft in die Viktorianische Gesellschaft bringen will. In Wirklichkeit will er sich jedoch an denen rächen, die sein Leben vor Jahrhunderten ruinierten. Und dann verliebt er sich in eine Frau, die vielleicht eine Reinkarnation seiner einen großen Liebe sein könnte.
Golden Globe winner Jonathan Rhys Meyers ("The Tudors") stars in this provocative new drama as one of the world's most iconic characters. It's the late 19th century and the mysterious Dracula (Rhys Meyers) has arrived in London, posing as an American entrepreneur who wants to bring modern science to Victorian society. He's especially interested in the new technology of electricity, which promises to brighten the night - useful for someone who avoids the sun. But he has another reason for his travels: He hopes to take revenge on those who cursed him with immortality centuries earlier. Everything seems to be going according to plan... until he becomes infatuated with a woman who appears to be a reincarnation of his dead wife.
Golden Globe winner Jonathan Rhys Meyers ("The Tudors") stars in this provocative new drama as one of the world's most iconic characters. It's the late 19th century and the mysterious Dracula (Rhys Meyers) has arrived in London, posing as an American entrepreneur who wants to bring modern science to Victorian society. He's especially interested in the new technology of electricity, which promises to brighten the night - useful for someone who avoids the sun. But he has another reason for his travels: He hopes to take revenge on those who cursed him with immortality centuries earlier. Everything seems to be going according to plan... until he becomes infatuated with a woman who appears to be a reincarnation of his dead wife.