Drinnen - Im Internet Sind Alle Gleich
Philipp KäßbohrerSchauspieler:
Lavinia Wilson, Barnaby Metschurat, Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Serkan KayaCharlotte (Lavinia Wilson) ist in ihren Dreißigern und wollte eigentlich ihr Leben umkrempeln: endlich alles anpacken, den Job in der Werbeindustrie kündigen, die Scheidung durchziehen. Doch dann kommt Corona, und alles wird anders. Statt ihr Leben neu zu starten, ist die Pause-Taste gedrückt. Der Computer ist jetzt ihr Fenster zur Außenwelt. Über diesen Bildschirm regelt sie ab sofort alle Bedürfnisse des täglichen Lebens, managt ihre Familie und ihren Beruf und muss sich in dieser unfreiwilligen Isolation auch ihren Ängsten und Geheimnissen stellen.
The 35-year-old Charlotte wanted to change her life, and really. She has been struggling with her job in the advertising agency for a long time and it is not going well with her family. Only her best friend knows how much it simmers inside of her. And maybe that's a good thing, because suddenly the pandemic comes and everything changes. Actually, Charlotte just wanted to get out. Out of the job, out of the marriage, but now she has to stop and stay inside (Drinnen).
The 35-year-old Charlotte wanted to change her life, and really. She has been struggling with her job in the advertising agency for a long time and it is not going well with her family. Only her best friend knows how much it simmers inside of her. And maybe that's a good thing, because suddenly the pandemic comes and everything changes. Actually, Charlotte just wanted to get out. Out of the job, out of the marriage, but now she has to stop and stay inside (Drinnen).