Ein anderes Selbst
Nuran Evren ŞitSchauspieler:
Tuba Büyüküstün, Seda Bakan, Boncuk YılmazDrei Freundinnen besinnen sich in einem Küstenstädtchen auf ihr spirituelles Ich und werden plötzlich mit ungelösten Traumata aus ihrer familiären Vergangenheit konfrontiert.
Three friends arrive in a seaside town, where they connect with their spiritual selves and suddenly face unresolved trauma from their families' pasts. They will make peace with their past in order to make life changing decisions and eventually to create their own another-selves.
Three friends arrive in a seaside town, where they connect with their spiritual selves and suddenly face unresolved trauma from their families' pasts. They will make peace with their past in order to make life changing decisions and eventually to create their own another-selves.