Ein Sturm zu Weihnachten
Per-Olav SørensenSchauspieler:
Ida Elise Broch, Dennis Storhøi, Sus Wilkins, Valter Skarsgård, Jon Øigarden, Hanna Ardéhn, Ariadna Cabrol, Ibrahim Faal, Kalle Hennie, Maibritt Saerens, Ravdeep Singh Bajwa, Evelyn Rasmussen Osazuwa, Jan Gunnar Røise, Line Verndal, Oscar Jean, Talia LorentzenAufgrund extremer Wetterverhältnisse sitzen Reisende und Mitarbeiter*innen in den Stunden vor Weihnachten gemeinsam an einem Flughafen fest. Schicksale treffen aufeinander.
A group of people arrive at Oslo airport. Some to welcome their loved ones, some to fly home to their families, and some who want to fly away and escape Christmas. But in one way or another, their Christmas mission goes awry. They are all stranded at the airport and the clock is ticking… only 24 hours til Christmas - so what do they do?
A group of people arrive at Oslo airport. Some to welcome their loved ones, some to fly home to their families, and some who want to fly away and escape Christmas. But in one way or another, their Christmas mission goes awry. They are all stranded at the airport and the clock is ticking… only 24 hours til Christmas - so what do they do?