Falling Water
Henry Bromell, Blake MastersSchauspieler:
Will Yun Lee, Lizzie Brocheré, Kai Lennox, David Ajala, Zak Orth, Anna Wood, Sepideh MoafiIn der Serie „Falling Water“ geht es um drei Fremde, die sich in ihren nächtlichen Träumen kennenlernen. Sie teilen ein und denselben Traum und erleben ihn aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Dabei ist jeder von ihnen auf der Suche nach etwas anderem. Einer von den dreien sucht nach einer vermissten Freundin, einer nach einem verlorenen Kind und einer nach der Heilung für die katatonische Mutter.
Es sind die Hinweise in ihrem kollektiven Traum, die sie leiten. Je tiefer sie graben, desto mehr kommt zum Vorschein, dass ein höheres Ziel hinter ihren individuellen Missionen steckt. Die Visionen in ihrem gemeinsamen Traum, könnten der Schlüssel für das Schicksal der Welt sein.
A mind-bending drama, Falling Water is the story of three unrelated people, who slowly realize that they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream. Each of them is on a mysterious and highly personal quest--one is searching for his missing girlfriend, one is searching for a lost child, one is looking to cure his catatonic mother--and it is the clues found in their collective dream that come to guide them. The deeper they dig, though, the more they come to realize that their missions touch on stakes that are much larger than their individual agendas. That the visions found in their common dream just might hold the key to the fate of the world.
A mind-bending drama, Falling Water is the story of three unrelated people, who slowly realize that they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream. Each of them is on a mysterious and highly personal quest--one is searching for his missing girlfriend, one is searching for a lost child, one is looking to cure his catatonic mother--and it is the clues found in their collective dream that come to guide them. The deeper they dig, though, the more they come to realize that their missions touch on stakes that are much larger than their individual agendas. That the visions found in their common dream just might hold the key to the fate of the world.