Ryan Murphy, Jaffe Cohen, Michael ZamSchauspieler:
Jessica Lange, Jackie Hoffman, Susan Sarandon, Judy Davis, Alison Wright, Stanley Tucci, Alfred Molina„Feud“ ist Ryan Murphys dritte Anthologieserie bei FX. Nach „American Horror Story“ und „American Crime Story“ will er sich diesmal berühmten Konflikten großer Persönlichkeiten widmen.
Den Auftakt machen zwei Grand Dames der Schauspielkunst: Jessica Lange, mit der Murphy bereits an „American Horror Story“ arbeitete und die Oscarpreisträgerin Susan Sarandon. Die beiden spielen die Filmstars Joan Crawford und Bette Davis, die 1962 Seite an Seite in dem umstrittenen Hollywoodstreifen „Was geschah wirklich mit Baby Jane?“ („What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?“) zu sehen waren.
Feud: Bette And Joan, the first installment of the new FX anthology series from Ryan Murphy, tells the story of the legendary rivalry between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis during their collaboration on the Academy Award®-nominated thriller What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, and well after the cameras stopped rolling. The series explores how the two women endured ageism, sexism, and misogyny while struggling to hang on to success and fame in the twilight of their careers.
Feud: Bette And Joan, the first installment of the new FX anthology series from Ryan Murphy, tells the story of the legendary rivalry between Joan Crawford and Bette Davis during their collaboration on the Academy Award®-nominated thriller What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, and well after the cameras stopped rolling. The series explores how the two women endured ageism, sexism, and misogyny while struggling to hang on to success and fame in the twilight of their careers.