Free Agents
Anthony Stewart Head, Stephen Mangan, Sharon HorganAlex Taylor ist 36 Jahre alt, Vater von zwei Jungs und frisch geschieden. Er arbeitet als Agent bei der Talent-Agentur CMA. Während er dankbar seinem Job nachgeht, hat er privat mit seiner Trennung zu kämpfen und entblößt sich immer wieder als emotionales Wrack. Selbst nach einer spontanen gemeinsamen Nacht mit seiner attraktiven Kollegin Helen Ryan, die kürzlich ihren Verlobten verloren hat, bricht er unvermittelt in Tränen aus. Das ist selbst für die sonst so schlagfertige Helen ein Schock. In der Agentur hält ihr hemmungsloser und etwas exzentrischer Chef Stephen Caudwell die Agenten mit seinen kleinen Spielchen auf Trab. Gerade sein Wunsch, die morgendlichen Meetings mit der Aufzählung von Sexphantasien zu starten, ist gelinde gesagt gewöhnungsbedürftig. Zu allem Überfluss stürzt Stephen sich am Morgen nach dem One-Night-Stand ausgerechnet auf Alex, um die Details der letzten Nacht aus ihm heraus zu quetschen. Beeindruckt von der gemeinsamen Nacht startet Alex den mühsamen Versuch, die einsame Helen zu einer Beziehung zu überreden.
This new six-part comedy stars Stephen Mangan, Sharon Horgan and Anthony Head.Alex is a talent agent suffering the emotional fall-out from his divorce. Helen, his fellow agent, has the office next to him and is also in pain; overcome with grief from a recent bereavement. Deluded Alex believes they are perfect for one another. Helen thinks quite the opposite. Yes she's slept with him – twice – but there is absolutely no way she is doing it again...Free Agents depicts a world in which the agents' boss, their clients, friends, relatives, accountants and even ex-girlfriends are as bizarrely dysfunctional as Alex and Helen themselves. This is a comedy about an on-(mostly)-off, romance between two people who might just have a positive future together if they can shake off their pasts.
This new six-part comedy stars Stephen Mangan, Sharon Horgan and Anthony Head.Alex is a talent agent suffering the emotional fall-out from his divorce. Helen, his fellow agent, has the office next to him and is also in pain; overcome with grief from a recent bereavement. Deluded Alex believes they are perfect for one another. Helen thinks quite the opposite. Yes she's slept with him – twice – but there is absolutely no way she is doing it again...Free Agents depicts a world in which the agents' boss, their clients, friends, relatives, accountants and even ex-girlfriends are as bizarrely dysfunctional as Alex and Helen themselves. This is a comedy about an on-(mostly)-off, romance between two people who might just have a positive future together if they can shake off their pasts.