Marvin Kren, Benjamin Hessler, Stefan BrunnerSchauspieler:
Robert Finster, Ella Rumpf, Georg FriedrichDer junge Sigmund Freud löst im Wien des späten 19. Jahrhunderts Morde und Vermisstenfälle und wird mit einem Medium in eine dunkle Verschwörung hineingezogen.
Freud sees Sigmund Freud in Vienna in 1886, just as his revolutionary theories are being met with strong opposition from colleagues and wider Austrian society. It's at this time he meets the war veteran and policeman Alfred Kiss and notorious medium Fleur Salomé and unwittingly becomes part of the hunt for a serial killer.
Freud sees Sigmund Freud in Vienna in 1886, just as his revolutionary theories are being met with strong opposition from colleagues and wider Austrian society. It's at this time he meets the war veteran and policeman Alfred Kiss and notorious medium Fleur Salomé and unwittingly becomes part of the hunt for a serial killer.