Petra Biondina VolpeSchauspieler:
Max Hubacher, Dimitri Stapfer, Stefan Kurt, Sylvie Rohrer, Annina Walt, Urs Bosshardt, Jan HrynkiewiczSchweiz im Sommer 1945: Kurz nach dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs befindet sich das Land im Aufbruch, während die Allierten Jagd auf Kriegsverbrecher machen. Mittendrin wagt die Familie Tobler mit ihrer Tuchfabrik Frei AG einen Neuanfang. Die Tochter des Hauses, Klara Tobler (Annina Walt), steht kurz vor der Hochzeit mit Johann Leutenegger (Max Hubacher), der künftig mehr Verantwortung in der Tuchfabrik seines Schwiegervaters übernehmen wird. Doch die Zeiten sind hart und ein Konkurs der Firma droht. Klara arbeitet unterdessen als ausgebildete Lehrerin in einem Flüchtlingsheim des Roten Kreuzes, in dem überlebende Jugendliche aus dem KZ Buchenwald untergebracht werden. Als der Patriarch Alfred Tobler während der Hochzeitsfeier zusammenbricht, liegt es nun an Johann, den Familienbetrieb zu retten.
1945. War is over. Switzerland, the neutral small country at the heart of Europe, was all but spared: Klara, her fiancé Johann and his brother Egon are looking bright-eyed into the future. While Klara tries to mend the wounds of the war by caring for young, displaced holocaust survivors, Johann, who works for her industrialist father, hopes to save and modernize his father-in-law's well-established, yet troubled textile company. Just home from military service, Egon takes his first steps in the Attorney General's office. His mission: to hunt down escaped Nazis. All three of them soon realize that the facade of peace is bought with the blood of the victims of war. Johann's professional ambitions bring him closer to those who committed unspeakable war crimes. Klara risks her marriage while growing ever closer to Herschel, one of the survivors, who are all met with distrust by the locals. And Egon finds himself caught in a system that willingly turns a blind eye towards Nazi criminals for the sake of profit.
1945. War is over. Switzerland, the neutral small country at the heart of Europe, was all but spared: Klara, her fiancé Johann and his brother Egon are looking bright-eyed into the future. While Klara tries to mend the wounds of the war by caring for young, displaced holocaust survivors, Johann, who works for her industrialist father, hopes to save and modernize his father-in-law's well-established, yet troubled textile company. Just home from military service, Egon takes his first steps in the Attorney General's office. His mission: to hunt down escaped Nazis. All three of them soon realize that the facade of peace is bought with the blood of the victims of war. Johann's professional ambitions bring him closer to those who committed unspeakable war crimes. Klara risks her marriage while growing ever closer to Herschel, one of the survivors, who are all met with distrust by the locals. And Egon finds himself caught in a system that willingly turns a blind eye towards Nazi criminals for the sake of profit.