Simone Thomalla, Marco Girnth, Carolyn Genzkow, Johannes HerrschmannFrühling ist eine deutsche Fernsehserie, die seit 2010 für das ZDF nach einer Textvorlage von Natalie Scharf produziert wird. Die Hauptrolle der Katja Baumann wird von Simone Thomalla gespielt.
Die Filme erzählen die Geschichten einer Dorfhelferin, die Familien in Notsituationen zur Seite steht und die sich im Umfeld eines Dorfes mit Namen Frühling und der dortigen Hilfseinrichtung „Hand in Hand“ ereignen. Durch ihr Talent, den Menschen zuzuhören, wird die Dorfhelferin dabei mehr zu einer Art Sozialarbeiterin, die es versteht, den Frühling in Familien zu tragen, die einen Schicksalsschlag erleben oder erlitten haben.
Katja is a nurse and wholeheartedly there for the patients in her ward. The fate of Inge Lechner is particularly close to her: the single farmer has a farm and three children to look after and is therefore afraid of essential chemotherapy. Spontaneously Katja drives to the Upper Bavarian "Birkenhof" to see if everything is right. On the spot she finds the perfect chaos: the animals are fully booked, little trace of little Tim is missing and the bigger sister takes off with the moped. The village helper is completely overwhelmed. Katja decided to cancel the planned six-week Scandinavian vacation with her husband and took over the helm on the farm - a real challenge for the city dweller who suddenly had to drive a tractor, clean chicken coops and milk cows.
Katja is a nurse and wholeheartedly there for the patients in her ward. The fate of Inge Lechner is particularly close to her: the single farmer has a farm and three children to look after and is therefore afraid of essential chemotherapy. Spontaneously Katja drives to the Upper Bavarian "Birkenhof" to see if everything is right. On the spot she finds the perfect chaos: the animals are fully booked, little trace of little Tim is missing and the bigger sister takes off with the moped. The village helper is completely overwhelmed. Katja decided to cancel the planned six-week Scandinavian vacation with her husband and took over the helm on the farm - a real challenge for the city dweller who suddenly had to drive a tractor, clean chicken coops and milk cows.