Für alle Fälle Amy
Amy Brenneman, Bill D'Elia, John TinkerSchauspieler:
Jessica Tuck, Richard T. Jones, Amy Brenneman, Tyne Daly, Karle Warren, Marcus Giamatti, Dan Futterman, Jillian Armenante, Kevin Rahm, Timothy OmundsonFrisch geschieden, zieht die Juristin Amy Gray mit ihrer Tochter Lauren von New York zurück in ihre Heimatstadt Hartford in Connecticut, um dort als Familienrichterin zu arbeiten. Unterschlupf finden die beiden bei Amys starrsinniger Mutter Maxine und halsen sich damit allerhand Familien-Probleme auf. Amys älterer Bruder Peter, dessen Ehefrau Gillian und Amys jüngerer Bruder Vincent sorgen ebenfalls dafür, dass im Hause Grey immer etwas los ist. Beruflich stehen Amy ihr Gerichtssekretär Bruce Van Exel und die etwas übereifrige Sekretärin Donna Kozlowski-Pant zur Seite, sind der jungen Richterin aber nicht immer eine Hilfe. Sie muss lernen, sich beruflich wie privat durchzusetzen. Wie frau es schafft, unter diesen Bedingungen, auch noch ein bisschen sie selbst zu bleiben? „Für alle Fälle Amy“ hat die Antwort parat.
Judging Amy is a drama about a single mother who has left New York behind to become a Family Court judge in Hartford, Connecticut. Judge Amy Gray is divorced and raising her young daughter, Lauren. They live with Amy's very opinionated mother Maxine, a social worker who is often at odds with her boss Sean. Amy has reestablished relationships with her younger brother Vincent, her older brother Peter and his wife Gillian. Assisting Amy in the courtroom are her Court Services officer Bruce Van Exel and her eager court-clerk-turned-lawyer Donna Kozlowski. Judging Amy is about three generations of women living together as they confront the personal and professional dilemmas in their changing, challenging lives.
Judging Amy is a drama about a single mother who has left New York behind to become a Family Court judge in Hartford, Connecticut. Judge Amy Gray is divorced and raising her young daughter, Lauren. They live with Amy's very opinionated mother Maxine, a social worker who is often at odds with her boss Sean. Amy has reestablished relationships with her younger brother Vincent, her older brother Peter and his wife Gillian. Assisting Amy in the courtroom are her Court Services officer Bruce Van Exel and her eager court-clerk-turned-lawyer Donna Kozlowski. Judging Amy is about three generations of women living together as they confront the personal and professional dilemmas in their changing, challenging lives.