Funeral for a Dog
Albrecht Schuch, Friedrich Mücke, Alina TomnikovDer Münchner Journalist Daniel Mandelkern (Albrecht Schuch) reist für ein Interview mit dem gefeierten deutschen Schriftsteller Mark Svensson (Friedrich Mücke) in dessen einsames Anwesen am Luganer See. Eigentlich sollte sein Aufenthalt nur wenige Stunden dauern, doch Mandelkern wird auf fatale Weise in das Leben Svenssons hineingezogen. Er verstrickt sich in eine faszinierende Geschichte von Liebe und Freundschaft: Ein Liebesdreieck, das in Südamerika entstand, in Finnland perfekt funktionierte, in New York zerbrach und schließlich mit einem dramatischen Todesfall endet. War es ein Unfall? Oder Mord? Es liegt ein dunkles Geheimnis über dem See – und Daniel Mandelkerns Fragen brechen das Schweigen.
Journalist Daniel Mandelkern travels to Italy for an interview with celebrated writer Mark Svensson, who lives by a secluded lake. Daniel is intrigued by the mysterious story of Mark, his friend Tuuli and Tuuli's missing partner Felix. It's a story of a strong bond between three people that starts in South America and travels across the Artic Circle to New York on 11th September, ending with a catastrophic loss. Daniel thinks he recognises these people from Mark's novel, however something is not quite right and as he delves deeper, he makes a shocking discovery.
Journalist Daniel Mandelkern travels to Italy for an interview with celebrated writer Mark Svensson, who lives by a secluded lake. Daniel is intrigued by the mysterious story of Mark, his friend Tuuli and Tuuli's missing partner Felix. It's a story of a strong bond between three people that starts in South America and travels across the Artic Circle to New York on 11th September, ending with a catastrophic loss. Daniel thinks he recognises these people from Mark's novel, however something is not quite right and as he delves deeper, he makes a shocking discovery.