Galactik Football
Antoine Charreyron, Frederic DybowskiEine mystische Energiequelle kommt nur bei einem Event zum Ausbruch: beim Galactik Football. Jeder gewöhnliche Kicker wird dank ihrer Hilfe zum Superstar. Auf dem Planeten Akilian aber versiegt die magische Quelle plötzlich. Die örtliche Fußballmannschaft hat nun keine Chance mehr zu gewinnen. Dann verschwindet auch noch ihr Star-Spieler Aarch. Viele Jahre später kehrt er zurück, um den Fußball auf Akilian wiederzubeleben. – Fußball-Fieber und Kicker-Wahn hautnah.
Galactik Football is a french animated television series, co-produced by Alphanim, France 2, Jetix Europe, and Welkin-Animation. Its third 26-episode season aired in Europe in June 2010. In the universe of Galactik Football, the inhabited worlds of the Zaelion Galaxy compete in Galactik Football, a sport analogous to football, but played seven to a side. The game is complicated by the addition of Flux, which enhances a player's attributes such as speed, strength, and agility, or grants special powers such as teleportation. The story follows the fate of an inexperienced Galactik Football team, the Snow Kids, as they aim to compete in the Galactik Football Cup.
Galactik Football is a french animated television series, co-produced by Alphanim, France 2, Jetix Europe, and Welkin-Animation. Its third 26-episode season aired in Europe in June 2010. In the universe of Galactik Football, the inhabited worlds of the Zaelion Galaxy compete in Galactik Football, a sport analogous to football, but played seven to a side. The game is complicated by the addition of Flux, which enhances a player's attributes such as speed, strength, and agility, or grants special powers such as teleportation. The story follows the fate of an inexperienced Galactik Football team, the Snow Kids, as they aim to compete in the Galactik Football Cup.