Ganz schön schwanger
Stacy TraubSchauspieler:
Michael Weaver, Rachael Harris, Peter Cambor, Sunkrish Bala, Jennifer Westfeldt, Melanie PaxsonDer Landschaftsplaner Andrew und die Lehrerin Lauren sind Anfang 30 und führen offenbar eine beneidenswerte Ehe. Doch Andrew fehlt zum perfekten Glück noch ein gemeinsames Baby. Bevor es sich das Paar versieht, ist Lauren auch schon schwanger. Aber die erste Regel des Schwangerseins lautet: Verlier' Freunden und Familie gegenüber kein Sterbenswörtchen bis zum Ende des dritten Monats. Dieses Vorhaben erweist sich allerdings als unerwartet knifflig ...
Realizing he may be a pushover, Andrew forces himself to be more assertive. It proves to be a big turn-on for Lauren, until he embraces his opinions to the point where the delicate balance of their relationship is threatened. Eric and Julie hire a nanny who refuses to divulge the secret swaddling technique that instantly calms Baby Perry. Meanwhile, Danny and Cooper find themselves "accidentally dating" when he starts cooking for her in return for legal aide.
Realizing he may be a pushover, Andrew forces himself to be more assertive. It proves to be a big turn-on for Lauren, until he embraces his opinions to the point where the delicate balance of their relationship is threatened. Eric and Julie hire a nanny who refuses to divulge the secret swaddling technique that instantly calms Baby Perry. Meanwhile, Danny and Cooper find themselves "accidentally dating" when he starts cooking for her in return for legal aide.