Gunslinger Girl
Yuuka Nanri, Ami Koshimizu, Hitomi Terakado, Mitsuru Miyamoto, Mamiko Noto, Daisuke Kishio, Kazuki Yao, Takehito Koyasu, Kana Hanazawa, Risa Mizuno, Atsuko Enomoto, Eri Sendai, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Kanako Mitsuhashi, Masami Iwasaki, Masashi EbaraNach außen hin sind die fünf Mädchen Triela, Henrietta, Angelica, Ricound Claes ganz normal. Sie wohnen und genießen ihr Leben zusammen in einem Wohnheim, doch der Schein trügt: Die Mädchen sind nämlich nicht so normal, wie sie wirken. Sie sind Cyborgs; menschliche Wesen mit mechanischen Körperteilen. Sie arbeiten alle für die Sektion 2 der „Staatlichen Gesellschaft für soziale Wohlfahrt“, wobei dieser Ausdruck natürlich ebenfalls nur Tarnung ist. Dahinter versteckt sich eine Organisation, die Aufträge für die korrupte Regierung des Landes erledigt. Sektion 2 ist dabei eine Unterabteilung, die physisch geschädigte Kinder aufnimmt und ihnen Prothesen implantieren. Da die meisten Kinder eine eher tragische Vorgeschichte haben, werden sie dann gleich noch einer Konditionierung unterzogen. Dies dient zum einen dazu, die Vergangenheit und auch schlimme Erinnerungen zu löschen und gleichzeitig aber auch dazu, die Loyalität zur Organisation zu stärken.
Officially, the Social Welfare Agency is a government sponsored corporation that's in the business of saving lives. At least, that's the ruse. In reality, it's an agency on the fringe of technology. They give terminal patients another shot at life using cybernetic implants. This conditioning process then shapes the patient into an efficient machine for handling all of the government's dirty work.Having survived the brutal slaughter of her family, Henrietta awakens to her new life at the Agency with a re-built body and no memory of the past. She has been teamed with her handler Jose, who is responsible for her training and conditioning, turning her into the perfect killing machine. Henrietta strives to find her place within the Agency, doing her best to win Jose's affection. But can Jose control her? Can he balance the needs and desires between the assassin and the developing adolescent?Who are these girls? They've been given a second chance at life… But at what cost?
Officially, the Social Welfare Agency is a government sponsored corporation that's in the business of saving lives. At least, that's the ruse. In reality, it's an agency on the fringe of technology. They give terminal patients another shot at life using cybernetic implants. This conditioning process then shapes the patient into an efficient machine for handling all of the government's dirty work.Having survived the brutal slaughter of her family, Henrietta awakens to her new life at the Agency with a re-built body and no memory of the past. She has been teamed with her handler Jose, who is responsible for her training and conditioning, turning her into the perfect killing machine. Henrietta strives to find her place within the Agency, doing her best to win Jose's affection. But can Jose control her? Can he balance the needs and desires between the assassin and the developing adolescent?Who are these girls? They've been given a second chance at life… But at what cost?