Marina Inoue, Kanae Itō, Nozomi Yamamoto, Misato Fukuen, Kana Hanazawa, Ryohei Kimura, Yuka Iguchi, Kana HanazawaHasegawa Kodaka ist neu an der Schule und tut sich schwer dabei, Freunde zu finden. Verschärft wird sein Problem dadurch, dass man ihn aufgrund seiner blonden Haare für einen Schläger hält. Eines Tages stört er seine missmutige, eigenbrötlerische Klassenkameradin Yozora bei einer Unterhaltung mit ihrer imaginären Freundin Tomo. Sie stellen fest, dass keiner von beiden echte Freunde hat, und beschließen zur Abhilfe einen Klub zu gründen, in dem sich Leute wie sie zusammenfinden.
So entstand „Rinjinbu“, ein Klub speziell für Leute, die wenig Freunde haben. Mit der Zeit treten immer mehr einsame Mitschüler dem Klub bei und lernen dort, wie man durch gemeinsames Kochen, Spiele spielen und andere Gruppenaktivitäten Freundschaften schließt. Doch ergeben sich durch diese Ansammlung an sozial unerfahrenen Teenagern auch allerlei Probleme.
When Kodaka Hasegawa finds out that he will be transferring to a new school, he is determined to make a positive impression, and maybe even some friends. However, Kodaka discovers he is out of luck when he immediately gets labeled as a violent delinquent due to his blond hair and intimidating expression. Although a month has passed, Kodaka is still alone thanks to his notorious reputation. However, his life begins to change when he finds fellow loner Yozora Mikazuki talking to her imaginary friend in an empty classroom. After sharing stories of their lonely high school life, Kodaka and Yozora decide to overcome the difficulties of making friends together by starting the Neighbor's Club. Created for people who don't have friends, daily activities involve learning social skills and how to fit in, which will hopefully allow them to make friends. Joined by the eroge-loving Sena Kashiwazaki, and other eccentric outcasts, Kodaka may finally have managed to find people he can call friends,
When Kodaka Hasegawa finds out that he will be transferring to a new school, he is determined to make a positive impression, and maybe even some friends. However, Kodaka discovers he is out of luck when he immediately gets labeled as a violent delinquent due to his blond hair and intimidating expression. Although a month has passed, Kodaka is still alone thanks to his notorious reputation. However, his life begins to change when he finds fellow loner Yozora Mikazuki talking to her imaginary friend in an empty classroom. After sharing stories of their lonely high school life, Kodaka and Yozora decide to overcome the difficulties of making friends together by starting the Neighbor's Club. Created for people who don't have friends, daily activities involve learning social skills and how to fit in, which will hopefully allow them to make friends. Joined by the eroge-loving Sena Kashiwazaki, and other eccentric outcasts, Kodaka may finally have managed to find people he can call friends,