Tim KringSchauspieler:
Jack Coleman, Hayden Panettiere, Milo Ventimiglia, Masi Oka, Sendhil Ramamurthy, James Kyson, Zachary Quinto, Adrian Pasdar, Greg Grunberg, Cristine Rose, Noah Gray-Cabey, Ali Larter, Ali Larter, Robert Knepper, Leonard Roberts, Santiago CabreraEin junger Träumer versucht seinen politisch tätigen Bruder davon zu überzeugen, er könne fliegen. Ein Highschool Cheerleader erkennt, dass sie völlig unverwundbar ist, während sie versucht, ihrem Vater näher zu kommen, der reges Interesse an Menschen mit besonderen Fähigkeiten hegt. Eine allein stehende Mutter in Las Vegas versucht über die Runden zu kommen und ihren Sohn zu unterstützen - sie entdeckt, dass ihr Spiegelbild ein Geheimnis birgt. Ein Flüchtiger vor dem Gesetz führt alle an der Nase herum, nachdem er schon zweimal aus Gefangenschaft entkommen ist. Ein begabter Künstler, dessen Drogensucht sein Leben und seine Beziehung zerstört, ist in der Lage die Zukunft zu zeichnen. Ein ausgelaugter Polizist in LA, kann die Gedanken anderer Menschen hören, was ihn zur Spur eines Serienkillers führt. In Japan entwickelt ein Mann die Fähigkeit durch Willenskraft die Zeit anzuhalten.
This epic chronicles the lives of ordinary people who discover they possess extraordinary abilities. As a total eclipse casts a shadow across the globe, viewers follow a genetics professor in India whose father's disappearance leads him to uncover a secret theory—there are people with super powers living among us. A young dreamer tries to convince his politician brother that he can fly. A high school cheerleader learns that she is totally indestructible. A Las Vegas stripper, struggling to make ends meet to support her young son, uncovers that her mirror image has a secret. A prison inmate mysteriously finds himself waking up outside of his cell. A gifted artist, whose drug addiction is destroying his life and the relationship with his girlfriend, can paint the future. A down-on-his-luck beat cop can hear people's thoughts, including the secrets of a captured terrorist. In Japan, a young man develops a way to stop time through sheer will power. Their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world.
This epic chronicles the lives of ordinary people who discover they possess extraordinary abilities. As a total eclipse casts a shadow across the globe, viewers follow a genetics professor in India whose father's disappearance leads him to uncover a secret theory—there are people with super powers living among us. A young dreamer tries to convince his politician brother that he can fly. A high school cheerleader learns that she is totally indestructible. A Las Vegas stripper, struggling to make ends meet to support her young son, uncovers that her mirror image has a secret. A prison inmate mysteriously finds himself waking up outside of his cell. A gifted artist, whose drug addiction is destroying his life and the relationship with his girlfriend, can paint the future. A down-on-his-luck beat cop can hear people's thoughts, including the secrets of a captured terrorist. In Japan, a young man develops a way to stop time through sheer will power. Their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world.