Lotte Stevens, Maarten Cop, Ahlaam Teghadouini, Armin Mola, Iliass Dennoune, Inge Paulussen, Jan FonteynSeit der Scheidung seiner Eltern hat Pieter (Maarten Cop) tagsüber als normaler Schüler ein unauffälliges Leben geführt. Doch ohne Wissen seiner überängstlichen Mutter schleicht sich der Jugendliche nachts heimlich aus dem Haus, um zusammen mit seinem Parkour-Mentor und besten Freund Sefu unglaublich coole Parkour-Sprünge in einem anderen Stadtviertel zu machen. Als Pieters Mutter – eine örtliche Polizistin – aufgrund der steigenden Kriminalitätsrate mit Arbeit überlastet wird, beschließt Pieter, sein geheimes Talent zu nutzen, um Hoodie zu werden: ein mysteriöser Held, der mit Hilfe von drei anderen örtlichen Jugendlichen die Nachbarschaft beschützt. Aus dem Einzelgänger wird Team Hoodie.
Since his parents' divorce, Pieter has lived a low-profile life during the day as an unathletic and unremarkable schoolboy. But unbeknown to his overanxious mother, Pieter sneaks outside at night to do incredibly cool parkour jumps in another neighbourhood, along with his parkour mentor and best friend Sefu. When Pieter’s mother - a local police officer - becomes overloaded with work thanks to the rising crime rate, Pieter decides to use his secret talent to become Hoodie: a mysterious hero who protects the Brussels neighbourhood 'Vrijbeek', with the help of three other local youths who have discovered his secret. The loner suddenly has three friends and Team Hoodie is born...
Since his parents' divorce, Pieter has lived a low-profile life during the day as an unathletic and unremarkable schoolboy. But unbeknown to his overanxious mother, Pieter sneaks outside at night to do incredibly cool parkour jumps in another neighbourhood, along with his parkour mentor and best friend Sefu. When Pieter’s mother - a local police officer - becomes overloaded with work thanks to the rising crime rate, Pieter decides to use his secret talent to become Hoodie: a mysterious hero who protects the Brussels neighbourhood 'Vrijbeek', with the help of three other local youths who have discovered his secret. The loner suddenly has three friends and Team Hoodie is born...