Kenneth Johnson, Jack Kirby, Stan LeeSchauspieler:
Lou Ferrigno, Bill Bixby, Jack ColvinWissenschaftler Dr. David Banner (Bill Bixby) experimentiert mit Gammastrahlung und wird dabei radioaktiv verseucht. Von da an verwandelt er sich jedes Mal, wenn er wütend wird, in ein grünes Monster mit unglaublichen Kräften: den Hulk (Lou Ferrigno). Nach seinen Verwandlungen kann er sich allerdings an nichts mehr erinnern, was er als Hulk angerichtet hat. Um sein gefährliches Alter Ego wieder loszuwerden, reist Banner quer durch die USA, immer auf der Suche nach einem Heilmittel. Doch der gewissenlose Reporter Jack McGee, der unbedingt hinter das Geheimnis des Hulk kommen will, ist ihm ständig auf den Fersen.
David Banner is a research scientist trying to find a way to tap into the hidden strength that all humans possess. Then, one night in his labratory, an experiment went wrong, causing him to be overexposed to gamma radiation. Now, whenever angered or distressed, the mild-mannered scientist finds himself transforming into a powerful seven-foot green creature known as The Incredible Hulk. The Hulk is guided by David's personality, dealing with whatever distresses David. But unfortunately, David has no control over the creature's actions. Nor can he remember what he had done during his Hulkish states. He travels around the country in search of a cure, while taking various odd jobs under different aliases.
David Banner is a research scientist trying to find a way to tap into the hidden strength that all humans possess. Then, one night in his labratory, an experiment went wrong, causing him to be overexposed to gamma radiation. Now, whenever angered or distressed, the mild-mannered scientist finds himself transforming into a powerful seven-foot green creature known as The Incredible Hulk. The Hulk is guided by David's personality, dealing with whatever distresses David. But unfortunately, David has no control over the creature's actions. Nor can he remember what he had done during his Hulkish states. He travels around the country in search of a cure, while taking various odd jobs under different aliases.