Vince Gerardis, Robert Munic, Ron BassSchauspieler:
Cam Gigandet, Ray Winstone, Jeremy Sisto, Audrey Marie Anderson, Judith Shekoni, Jocelyn Hudon, Chloe East, Rey Gallegos, Donald Sutherland, Ella Thomas, Raymond J. BarryDie Dramaserie „Ice“ spielt in Los Angeles und handelt von Familie Green, die in in das kriminelle Diamantengeschäft von L.A. eintaucht. Nachdem der wilde Sohn Freddy einen bekannten Diamantenhändler umgebracht hat, soll ihn sein Halbbruder aus dem Knast herausholen. Zusammen müssen sie dann G&G Diamonds, das Geschäft ihres Vaters und ihres Onkels, retten und sich im Zuge dessen mit Juwelendieben, Blutdiamanten und Fälschungen auseinandersetzen, während ihnen die Behörden auf den Fersen sind. Doch ihr größter Gegner ist der skrupellose Pieter Van De Bruin, ein afrikanischer Diamantenhändler, der das in Antwerpen ansässige Diamantenkartell anführt.
Ice is a high-impact, serialized crime drama that follows the Green family as they plunge into the underbelly of the Los Angeles diamond trade. Jake and Freddy are half-brothers brought together by their father Isaac, the patriarch behind G&G Diamonds, and their uncle Cam. After wild-card Freddy kills a prominent diamond dealer, his brother Jake must bail him out and save the family business from a crime lord of the Los Angeles Diamond trade. Jake must endure all of this while maneuvering amongst jewelry thugs, blood diamond deals, false certificates, the Feds, and Pieter Van De Bruin, a ruthless Afrikaner diamond merchant who now heads up an Antwerp-based diamond cartel.
Ice is a high-impact, serialized crime drama that follows the Green family as they plunge into the underbelly of the Los Angeles diamond trade. Jake and Freddy are half-brothers brought together by their father Isaac, the patriarch behind G&G Diamonds, and their uncle Cam. After wild-card Freddy kills a prominent diamond dealer, his brother Jake must bail him out and save the family business from a crime lord of the Los Angeles Diamond trade. Jake must endure all of this while maneuvering amongst jewelry thugs, blood diamond deals, false certificates, the Feds, and Pieter Van De Bruin, a ruthless Afrikaner diamond merchant who now heads up an Antwerp-based diamond cartel.