Ich hasse Weihnachten
Pilar Fogliati, Beatrice Arnera, Fiorenza Pieri, Cecilia Bertozzi, Massimo Rigo, Sabrina Paravicini, Simonetta Solder, Glen Blackhall, Alan Cappelli Goetz, Alessio Praticò, Marcos Vinicius Piacentini, Gabriele FalsettaIhrer Familie hat sie vorgelogen, sie habe einen Freund. Nun muss die junge Krankenschwester bis Weihnachten – also innerhalb der nächsten 24 Tage – einen Typen an Land ziehen.
A nurse who is happily single the rest of the year is sick of being shamed for being alone at the holidays, so vows on December 1 to find someone to take home for Christmas.
A nurse who is happily single the rest of the year is sick of being shamed for being alone at the holidays, so vows on December 1 to find someone to take home for Christmas.