In the Dark
Corinne KingsburySchauspieler:
Rich Sommer, Perry Mattfeld, Brooke Markham, Keston John, Morgan Krantz, Casey Deidrick, Thamela Mpumlwana, Derek Webster, Kathleen YorkEine respektlose, dem Alkohol zugeneigte blinde Frau namens Murphy, die niemanden an sich heranlässt, ist in „In the Dark“ die einzige Zeugin des Mordes an ihrem Freund Tyson, der mit Drogen handelt. Weil die Polizei ihrer Geschichte keinen Glauben schenkt, zieht sie mit ihrem Hund Pretzel auf eigene Faust eine Ermittlung durch. Nebenbei geht es um ihr Liebesleben und ihren Job, bei Breaking Blind, einer Schule für Blindenhunde, die von ihren über fürsorglichen Eltern betrieben wird.
Murphy is a hard-living, hard-drinking, disaffected twenty-something with a penchant for cigarettes and casual sex. She's also blind. Murphy lives with her supportive best friend, Jess, and - more reluctantly - her trusty guide dog, Pretzel, whose presence she resents. Murphy's closest friend is a sweet teenager named Tyson, who she befriends after he saved her from a violent mugging. Her life comes crashing down when she stumbles upon what she's sure is the lifeless body of Tyson in the alley outside her apartment. But when the police arrive there is no body to be found - and with Murphy not exactly sober, the police aren't especially inclined to investigate. Murphy is determined to find the truth, no matter the risk… even if it means she has to sober up a little.
Murphy is a hard-living, hard-drinking, disaffected twenty-something with a penchant for cigarettes and casual sex. She's also blind. Murphy lives with her supportive best friend, Jess, and - more reluctantly - her trusty guide dog, Pretzel, whose presence she resents. Murphy's closest friend is a sweet teenager named Tyson, who she befriends after he saved her from a violent mugging. Her life comes crashing down when she stumbles upon what she's sure is the lifeless body of Tyson in the alley outside her apartment. But when the police arrive there is no body to be found - and with Murphy not exactly sober, the police aren't especially inclined to investigate. Murphy is determined to find the truth, no matter the risk… even if it means she has to sober up a little.