Inou Battle Within Everyday Life
Chifuyu Himeki, Haruka Yamazaki, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Risa Taneda, Saori HayamiVor einem halben Jahr, wurde 4 Mitgliedern des Literaturklubs und der Nichte ihres Schuldirektors, die sich im Grundschulalter befindet, zu übernatürlichen Kräften verholfen. Während der Junge im Klub, Jurai Andou, mit der Kraft gesegnet wurde schwarze Flammen zu erzeugen und zu kontrollieren, erhielten die Mädchen eine Reihe von sehr mächtigen Fähigkeiten: Tomoyo bekam die Kraft Zeit zu beschleunigen, zu verlangsamen oder sogar zu stoppen. Hatoko erhielt die Möglichkeit die 5 Elemente (Feuer, Wasser, Erde, Luft und Wind) zu kontrollieren. Der kleinen Chifuyu wurde zu der Kraft, Dinge zu erschaffen und zu gestalten, verholfen und Sayumi wurde es möglich Objekte zu reparieren und Lebewesen zu heilen. [ … ] Wird sich ihr langweiliger Schulalltag durch die Kräfte doch noch in das Leben voller Fantasie verwandeln, welches sie sich immer erträumt haben?
Half a year ago, the four members of a literature club, as well as the elementary school niece of their faculty adviser, were bestowed with supernatural powers. The boy in the club, Ando Jurai, became able to produce black flames. The girls acquired a variety of powerful abilities: Tomoyo could slow, speed, or stop time, Hatoko could control the five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, light), little Chifuyu could create things, and Sayumi could repair objects or heal living things. However, since they gained these powers, nothing has really changed in their everyday life. Why have they been given these powers in the first place? Will the heroic fantasy life they imagined these powers would bring ever actually arrive?
Half a year ago, the four members of a literature club, as well as the elementary school niece of their faculty adviser, were bestowed with supernatural powers. The boy in the club, Ando Jurai, became able to produce black flames. The girls acquired a variety of powerful abilities: Tomoyo could slow, speed, or stop time, Hatoko could control the five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, light), little Chifuyu could create things, and Sayumi could repair objects or heal living things. However, since they gained these powers, nothing has really changed in their everyday life. Why have they been given these powers in the first place? Will the heroic fantasy life they imagined these powers would bring ever actually arrive?