Rumiko TakahashiSchauspieler:
Kappei Yamaguchi, Richard Ian Cox, Darren Pleavin, Satsuki YukinoRumiko Takahashis neuestes Endlos-Manga dreht sich um ein Mädchen namens Kagome, das an seinem 15. Geburtstag in das Japan des Mittelalters verschlagen wird. Dort gibt es eine Menge Zauberer, Teufel und Dämonen, die alle hinter ihr her sind. Von ihrem verschrobenen Großvater hat Kagome zwar schon etwas über einen seltsamen Glücksbringer namens „Shikon no Tama“ gehört, aber was es damit wirklich auf sich hat, erfährt sie erst, als die Dämonen sich auf sie stürzen, um ihn ihr abzunehmen. Doch Kagome ist zwar ein zartes, aber keineswegs hilfloses Mädchen. Und sie findet auch überraschend Freunde und eine Zauberin, die ihr tatkräftig beisteht. Und da ist dann noch Inuyasha, ein überaus mächtiger Han-Youkai (Halb-Dämon), zu dem Kagome bald eine besondere, wenngleich ziemlich komplizierte Beziehung aufbaut.
Based on the Shogakukan award-winning manga of the same name, InuYasha follows Kagome Higurashi, a fifteen-year-old girl whose normal life ends when a demon drags her into a cursed well on the grounds of her family's Shinto shrine. Instead of hitting the bottom of the well, Kagome ends up 500 years in the past during Japan's violent Sengoku period with the demon's true target, a wish-granting jewel called the Shikon Jewel, reborn inside of her. After a battle with a revived demon accidentally causes the sacred jewel to shatter, Kagome enlists the help of a young hybrid dog-demon/human named Inuyasha to help her collect the shards and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. Joining Kagome and Inuyasha on their quest are the orphan fox-demon Shippo, the intelligent monk Miroku, and the lethal demon slayer Sango. Together, they must set aside their differences and work together to find the power granting shards spread across feudal Japan and deal with the threats that arise.The last season (Season 8) of this show is also called "Inuyasha: The Final Act".
Based on the Shogakukan award-winning manga of the same name, InuYasha follows Kagome Higurashi, a fifteen-year-old girl whose normal life ends when a demon drags her into a cursed well on the grounds of her family's Shinto shrine. Instead of hitting the bottom of the well, Kagome ends up 500 years in the past during Japan's violent Sengoku period with the demon's true target, a wish-granting jewel called the Shikon Jewel, reborn inside of her. After a battle with a revived demon accidentally causes the sacred jewel to shatter, Kagome enlists the help of a young hybrid dog-demon/human named Inuyasha to help her collect the shards and prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. Joining Kagome and Inuyasha on their quest are the orphan fox-demon Shippo, the intelligent monk Miroku, and the lethal demon slayer Sango. Together, they must set aside their differences and work together to find the power granting shards spread across feudal Japan and deal with the threats that arise.The last season (Season 8) of this show is also called "Inuyasha: The Final Act".