Fumiyo Kohinata, Nijirou Murakami, Kanata Hongo, Sumire Uesaka, Sumire MorohoshiDer 58-jährige Inuyashiki hat einfach kein Glück in seinem Leben. Seine Frau und Kinder ignorieren und strafen ihn mit Respektlosigkeit und zu allem Überfluss wird bei ihm dann auch noch Krebs diagnostiziert und ihm bescheinigt, dass er nicht mehr lange zu leben hat. Doch als es scheint, dass es eigentlich gar nicht mehr schlimmer werden könnte, schlägt ein gleißend helles Licht auf die Erde ein und trifft den alten Mann.
Als er etwas später wieder zu sich kommt, ist jedoch alles anders ... Inuyashiki fühlt sich so jung wie nie und auch der Krebs scheint besiegt zu sein. Durch seine neuen Kräfte kann er nun ein Held sein, welcher des Respektes wert ist, den er zuvor nie bekommen hat.
Inuyashiki Ichirou is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around him and he’s constantly ignored and disrespected by his family despite all that he’s done to support them. On top of everything else, his doctor has revealed that he has cancer and it appears that he has little time left in this world. But just when it seems things couldn’t get any worse, a blinding light in the night sky strikes the earth where Ichirou stands. He later wakes up to find himself unscathed, but he soon starts to notice that there’s something… different about himself. However, it turns out that these strange, new changes are just what Ichirou needs to take a new lease on life and now it seems like there’s nothing to stop him from being a hero worthy of the respect that he never had before… unless, that is, there was someone else out there with these same changes…
Inuyashiki Ichirou is down on his luck. While only 58 years old, his geriatric looks often have him written off as a pathetic old man by the world around him and he’s constantly ignored and disrespected by his family despite all that he’s done to support them. On top of everything else, his doctor has revealed that he has cancer and it appears that he has little time left in this world. But just when it seems things couldn’t get any worse, a blinding light in the night sky strikes the earth where Ichirou stands. He later wakes up to find himself unscathed, but he soon starts to notice that there’s something… different about himself. However, it turns out that these strange, new changes are just what Ichirou needs to take a new lease on life and now it seems like there’s nothing to stop him from being a hero worthy of the respect that he never had before… unless, that is, there was someone else out there with these same changes…