Irma Vep
Olivier AssayasSchauspieler:
Alicia Vikander, Vincent MacaigneMira (Alicia Vikander) ist ein amerikanischer Filmstar in einer Lebenskrise. Sie hinterfragt ihren Job, eine gescheiterte Beziehung tut ihr Übriges: Sie flieht nach Frankreich, um in einem Film namens „Irma Vep“ die Hauptrolle zu übernehmen. Der soll ein Remake des französischen Stummfilmklassikers „Die Vampire“ aus dem Jahr 1915 werden.
Während der Dreharbeiten verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen Darstellerin Mira und ihrer Filmrolle zusehends.
Irma Vep revolves around Mira, an American movie star disillusioned by her career and a recent breakup, who comes to France to star as Irma Vep in a remake of the French silent film classic, "Les Vampires." Set against the backdrop of a lurid crime thriller, Mira struggles as the distinctions between herself and the character she plays begin to blur and merge. Irma Vep reveals to us the uncertain ground that lies at the border of fiction and reality, artifice and authenticity, art and life.
Irma Vep revolves around Mira, an American movie star disillusioned by her career and a recent breakup, who comes to France to star as Irma Vep in a remake of the French silent film classic, "Les Vampires." Set against the backdrop of a lurid crime thriller, Mira struggles as the distinctions between herself and the character she plays begin to blur and merge. Irma Vep reveals to us the uncertain ground that lies at the border of fiction and reality, artifice and authenticity, art and life.