It's a Sin
Russell T. DaviesSchauspieler:
Olly Alexander, Omari Douglas, Lydia West, Nathaniel Curtis, Shaun Dooley, Keeley Hawes, Callum Scott Howells, David Carlyle, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Stephen Fry, Neil Patrick HarrisDie jungen Schwulen Ritchie, Roscoe und Colin kommen 1981 nach London. Sie hoffen auf ein neues Leben und ahnen dabei nicht, was sie erwartet. Ein unbekanntes Virus soll sich verbreiten. Was erst nur ein Gerücht ist, wird bald zur realen Bedrohung und einer Welle von Panik und Entsetzen. Durch ihren gemeinsamen Überlebenskampf werden die drei zu Freunden, deren Leben jedoch für immer verändert wird. Gemeinsam mit ihrer besten Freundin Jill, ihren Freunden, Partnern und ihren Familien trotzen sie den Vorurteilen und der Ablehnung, die schwulen Männern wegen der Epidemie entgegengebracht wurde. In fünf Folgen wird ihre Geschichte über das Jahrzehnt der 1980er hinweg erzählt.
Ritchie, Roscoe and Colin are young lads, strangers at first, leaving home at 18 and heading off to London in 1981 with hope and ambition and joy… and walking straight into a plague that most of the world ignores. Year by year, episode by episode, their lives change, as the mystery of a new virus starts as a rumour, then a threat, then a terror, and then something that binds them together in the fight.It's the story of their friends, lovers and families too, especially Jill, the girl who loves them and helps them, and galvanises them in the battles to come. Together they will endure the horror of the epidemic, the pain of rejection and the prejudices that gay men faced throughout the decade.
Ritchie, Roscoe and Colin are young lads, strangers at first, leaving home at 18 and heading off to London in 1981 with hope and ambition and joy… and walking straight into a plague that most of the world ignores. Year by year, episode by episode, their lives change, as the mystery of a new virus starts as a rumour, then a threat, then a terror, and then something that binds them together in the fight.It's the story of their friends, lovers and families too, especially Jill, the girl who loves them and helps them, and galvanises them in the battles to come. Together they will endure the horror of the epidemic, the pain of rejection and the prejudices that gay men faced throughout the decade.