It Was Always Me
Karol Sevilla, Pipe Bueno, Christian Tapppan, José Julián Gaviria, Simón Savi, Antonio Sanint, Adriana Romero, Juliana Velasquez, Duban Prado, Alejandro Gutiérrez, Katherine Escobar, Eliana Raventós, Felipe Botero, Marisol Correa VegaAls Lupe 22 Jahre alt ist ändert sich plötzlich ihr Leben, nachdem sie erfahren hat, dass ihr Vater, ein berühmter kolumbianischer Singer-Songwriter, gestorben ist. Als sie in Kolumbien ankommt, trifft sie den mysteriösen Noah, der sich als Assistent ihres verstorbenen Vaters entpuppt. Lupe entscheidet sich zu bleiben, da sie vermutet, dass der Tod des Musikers kein Unfall war. Zusammen mit Noah begibt sie sich auf ein musikalisches Abenteuer voll von Gefahren, Geheimnissen und Romantik an der karibischen Küste Kolumbiens.
When Lupe is 22 years old, her life suddenly changes after she learns that her father, a famous Colombian singer-songwriter, has died. Upon arriving in Colombia, Lupe meets Noah, a mysterious character who turns out to be her father's assistant. Instead of returning to Mexico, Lupe decides to stay as she suspects that the musician's death was not an accident. Together with Noah, she will embark on a musical adventure full of danger, mystery and romance, in the Caribbean region of Colombia.
When Lupe is 22 years old, her life suddenly changes after she learns that her father, a famous Colombian singer-songwriter, has died. Upon arriving in Colombia, Lupe meets Noah, a mysterious character who turns out to be her father's assistant. Instead of returning to Mexico, Lupe decides to stay as she suspects that the musician's death was not an accident. Together with Noah, she will embark on a musical adventure full of danger, mystery and romance, in the Caribbean region of Colombia.