JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Tomokazu Sugita, Takehito Koyasu, Atsuko Tanaka, Misato Fukuen, Fuminori Komatsu, Daisuke Hirakawa, Kenta Miyake, Daisuke Ono, Keiji Fujiwara, Akio Ohtsuka, Kazuhiko Inoue, Yoku Shioya, Youji Ueda, Takuya Satō, Kazuyuki OkitsuKujo Jotaro ist ein normaler, sehr beliebter Highschool-Schüler, bis zu dem Tag, an dem er denkt, er sei von einem Geist besessen, weshalb er sich in einem Gefängnis einschließt. Bei einem Kampf zwischen seinem Großvater und dessen Freund Muhammad Abdul bemerkt er, dass der Geist sein Star Platinium, genannt Stand, ist, also seine Kampfaura. Später bekommt seine Mutter auch so einen „Stand“ und erkrankt dadurch. Jotaro erfährt, dass das Vampirduo Dio Brando, welche vor hundert Jahren von Jotaros Ur-Ur-Großvater bezwungen wurde, schuld daran haben. Er schließt sich seinem Großvater und Abdul an, um Dio ein für alle Mal zu vernichten.
Beginning its tale in 19th century England, young aristocrat Jonathan Joestar finds himself locked in bitter rivalry with Dio Brando, a low-born boy who Jonathan's father took under his wing after the death of Dio's father. Discontent with his station in life, Dio's fathomless drive to reign over all eventually leads him to seek the supernatural powers of an ancient Aztec stone mask in the Joestars' possession – an artifact that will forever change the destiny of Dio and Jonathan for generations to come. Fifty years later, in 1938 New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar must take up his grandfather's mission and master the abilities necessary to destroy the stone mask and its immensely powerful creators, the Pillar men, who threaten humanity's very existence.
Beginning its tale in 19th century England, young aristocrat Jonathan Joestar finds himself locked in bitter rivalry with Dio Brando, a low-born boy who Jonathan's father took under his wing after the death of Dio's father. Discontent with his station in life, Dio's fathomless drive to reign over all eventually leads him to seek the supernatural powers of an ancient Aztec stone mask in the Joestars' possession – an artifact that will forever change the destiny of Dio and Jonathan for generations to come. Fifty years later, in 1938 New York City, Jonathan's grandson Joseph Joestar must take up his grandfather's mission and master the abilities necessary to destroy the stone mask and its immensely powerful creators, the Pillar men, who threaten humanity's very existence.