Greg Spottiswood, Bernard ZukermanSchauspieler:
Gabriel Hogan, Amy Price-Francis, Alan van Sprang, Tony Nardi, Rossif Sutherland, Karen Robinson, Romina D'Ugo, Zoé Doyle, Aaron Poole, Sadie LeBlanc, Suzanne CoyDetective Seargant Jessica King (Amy Price-Francis) ist eine attraktive Polizistin, die seit acht Jahren mit Morddelikten beschäftigt ist. Das Polizeidezernat der Major Crimes Task Force von Toronto ist darauf spezialisiert, in Krisensituationen die Führung zu übernehmen. Mord, Vergewaltigung, Raub, Bandenkriege und Serientäter fallen in den Zuständigkeitsbereich der Einheit, die in besonders hoffnungslos anmutenden Fällen zum Einsatz kommt. Mit dem hitzköpfigen Detective Sergeant Derek Spears (Alan van Sprang)bildet Jessica trotz persönlicher Differenzen ein geniales Ermittler-Duo.
Nach zwei Scheidungen träumt Jessica zudem von einem harmonischen Familienleben an der Seite ihres dritten Ehemannes Danny (Gabriel Hogan). Doch irgendwie knistert es auch zwischen ihr und Spears.
In the new season of King, Detective Jessica King continues to face the challenges of each case while juggling her pregnancy, her husband's gambling and the changing dynamics of the team. King and husband Danny Sless (Gabriel Hogan, Heartland) have decided to start afresh: they've sold the house, paid off Danny's gambling debts and are starting to get excited about the baby. Firmly in control of the M.C.T.F., Jess rebuilds the team according to her style and her needs. Her fresh faces include Pen Martin (Rossif Sutherland, ER) a hot shot from the Spin Unit and Ingrid Evans (Karen Robinson, Narc), one of Organized Crime's most experienced players. These new team members will inevitably shake things up and Derek Spears (Alan Van Sprang, Reign) will have to adjust if he wants to stay relevant. Ticking clocks, fear of someone killing again, a victim dying before King finds them... every case is critical and Jess needs to solve it and solve it fast. But Jess is also going to be a mother, and she wants at all costs to save her third marriage. Can Jess King have it all?
In the new season of King, Detective Jessica King continues to face the challenges of each case while juggling her pregnancy, her husband's gambling and the changing dynamics of the team. King and husband Danny Sless (Gabriel Hogan, Heartland) have decided to start afresh: they've sold the house, paid off Danny's gambling debts and are starting to get excited about the baby. Firmly in control of the M.C.T.F., Jess rebuilds the team according to her style and her needs. Her fresh faces include Pen Martin (Rossif Sutherland, ER) a hot shot from the Spin Unit and Ingrid Evans (Karen Robinson, Narc), one of Organized Crime's most experienced players. These new team members will inevitably shake things up and Derek Spears (Alan Van Sprang, Reign) will have to adjust if he wants to stay relevant. Ticking clocks, fear of someone killing again, a victim dying before King finds them... every case is critical and Jess needs to solve it and solve it fast. But Jess is also going to be a mother, and she wants at all costs to save her third marriage. Can Jess King have it all?