Ed SinclairSchauspieler:
Olivia Colman, David Thewlis, Kate O'Flynn, Dipo Ola, Daniel Rigby, Samuel Anderson, Felicity Montagu, David HaymanDas Ehepaar Susan (Olivia Colman) und Christopher Edwards gilt seinen Nachbarn als bescheiden, unauffällig und freundlich – niemand beachtet es groß. Bis eines Tages Leichen auf dem Grundstück ihres kleinen Hauses gefunden werden. Es stellt sich heraus, dass es sich dabei um Susans ermordete Eltern handelt, die schon vor zehn Jahren gestorben sind. Wie konnte es kommen, dass das unscheinbar wirkende Ehepaar zu Mördern werden konnte? Die Untersuchungen bringen ans Licht, dass beide sich eine ausufernde Fantasiewelt aufgebaut hatten.
Inspired by real events, Landscapers explores the lives of convicted killers Susan and Christopher Edwards, and asks how this devoted and mild-mannered couple came to kill Susan's parents and bury them in the back garden of their Mansfield home, in a crime that remained undiscovered for over a decade. This blackly comic, narratively playful true crime drama is based on extensive research, hours of interviews and direct access to the accused, who have always protested their innocence of murder.
Inspired by real events, Landscapers explores the lives of convicted killers Susan and Christopher Edwards, and asks how this devoted and mild-mannered couple came to kill Susan's parents and bury them in the back garden of their Mansfield home, in a crime that remained undiscovered for over a decade. This blackly comic, narratively playful true crime drama is based on extensive research, hours of interviews and direct access to the accused, who have always protested their innocence of murder.