Legal Affairs
Lavinia Wilson, Maryam Zaree, Aaron Altaras, Michaela Caspar, Jacob Matschenz, Rainer Sellien, Annika Kuhl, Niels Bormann, Sebastian Hülk, Amelie Elisa Klein, Stefan Kurt, Sophie Rois, Helene Grass, Hubertus Hartmann, Thomas Schendel, Anna BrüggemannIn der achtteiligen Miniserie „Legal Affairs“ steht die deutschlandweit bekannte Rechtsexpertin Leo Roth (Lavinia Wilson) im Mittelpunkt. Entscheidend für die erfolgreiche Medienanwältin ist, ihre oft prominenten Mandanten so gut es geht in der Öffentlichkeit zu vertreten und wenn irgendwie möglich, die Meinung des Publikums im Sinne ihrer Klienten zu beeinflussen. Bestens vernetzt in Politik und in deutscher Medienlandschaft lanciert sie Meldungen und wehrt sich mit allen rechtlichen und aus ihrer Sicht legitimen Mitteln gegen Shitstorms und negativer Berichterstattung. Im Laufe der Zeit gerät Roth dabei in ein dunkles Gewirr aus perfiden Ränkekämpfen, das sie an den Rand ihrer Schaffenskraft bringt.
Leo Roth is Germany's most successful media lawyer. With her Berlin law firm, she moves just as confidently on the political floor as in the glamor world of the rich and beautiful. For Leo Roth, her work is all about one thing: winning every case. Her goal is to protect the privacy of her prominent and non-prominent clients while guiding public opinion. She wants to prevent fake news and media hunts and protect people from media character assassination through false reporting, shit storms and Twitter avalanches. In the course of the series, the lawyer becomes entangled in a fatal thicket of political and private intrigues.
Leo Roth is Germany's most successful media lawyer. With her Berlin law firm, she moves just as confidently on the political floor as in the glamor world of the rich and beautiful. For Leo Roth, her work is all about one thing: winning every case. Her goal is to protect the privacy of her prominent and non-prominent clients while guiding public opinion. She wants to prevent fake news and media hunts and protect people from media character assassination through false reporting, shit storms and Twitter avalanches. In the course of the series, the lawyer becomes entangled in a fatal thicket of political and private intrigues.