Life in Pieces
Justin AdlerSchauspieler:
Dianne Wiest, Thomas Sadoski, Giselle Eisenberg, Angelique Cabral, Dan Bakkedahl, Niall Cunningham, Colin Hanks, Betsy Brandt, Zoe Lister-Jones, James Brolin, Holly J. Barrett, Hunter King, Ann-Sophie HeierIn der Single-Kamera-Comedy „Life in Pieces“ wird die Geschichte einer Familie aus der Perspektive der verschiedenen Mitglieder erzählt. Jede Episode besteht aus vier Kurzgeschichten über die Großfamilie Short.
Betsy Brandt ist als gequälte, dreifache Mutter Heather zu sehen. Sie wird ihrem jüngeren Bruder Greg (Colin Hanks) wohl den einen oder anderen Ratschlag mit auf den Weg geben können. Immerhin ist der werdende Vater auf seine neue Verantwortung alles andere als gut vorbereitet.
Brandts Serienehemann Tim wird von Dan Bakkedahl dargestellt. Thomas Sadoski ist Matt, das mittlere Kind der Familie Short. Nachdem seine berufliche Karriere einen ordentlichen Knacks bekommen hat, ist er zurück ins elterliche Nest gezogen und rennt so vor seinen eigentlichen Problemen weg.
Matt verliebt sich in Colleen (Angelique Cabral), die sie sich mit einer nervenaufreibenden Trennung von ihrem Exverlobten herumschlagen muss. Dianne Wiest ist die Familienmatriarchin Joan Short, die ihre Familie über alles liebt und alles für diese tun würde. James Brolin spielt John Short, den geselligen Patriarchen, der eine Lebenskrise durchmacht als er 70 wird.
Die Ehefrau von Hanks' Figur Greg wird von Zoe Lister-Jones gespielt. Jen hatte eigentlich immer alles unter Kontrolle - doch ihr Baby stellt ihr Leben auf ungewohnte Weise auf den Kopf.
Life In Pieces is a single-camera comedy about one big happy family and their sometimes awkward, often hilarious and ultimately beautiful milestone moments as told by its various members. Of the three siblings, middle child Matt may have just found his true love, his co-worker, Colleen; his coddled youngest brother, Greg, and his wife, Jen, are overwhelmed by the birth of their first child; and the eldest, Heather, and her husband, Tim, are dreading their impending empty nest so much, they're considering having another baby. Their parents are Joan, the family's adoring matriarch who would do anything for her kids - as long as she agrees with it - and John, the gregarious patriarch who's searching for ways to soften the blow of turning 70. As the family's lives unfold in four short stories each week, they try to savor these little pieces of time that flash by but stay with you forever, because these moments add up to what life's all about.
Life In Pieces is a single-camera comedy about one big happy family and their sometimes awkward, often hilarious and ultimately beautiful milestone moments as told by its various members. Of the three siblings, middle child Matt may have just found his true love, his co-worker, Colleen; his coddled youngest brother, Greg, and his wife, Jen, are overwhelmed by the birth of their first child; and the eldest, Heather, and her husband, Tim, are dreading their impending empty nest so much, they're considering having another baby. Their parents are Joan, the family's adoring matriarch who would do anything for her kids - as long as she agrees with it - and John, the gregarious patriarch who's searching for ways to soften the blow of turning 70. As the family's lives unfold in four short stories each week, they try to savor these little pieces of time that flash by but stay with you forever, because these moments add up to what life's all about.