Life Unexpected
Liz TigelaarSchauspieler:
Britt Robertson, Shiri Appleby, Kerr Smith, Kristoffer Polaha, Austin BasisIhr Leben lang wurde Lux (Brittany Robertson) von Pflegefamilie zu Pflegefamilie geschoben, mit 15 Jahren hat sie die Nase voll: Das Mädchen will sich gesetzlich emanzipieren lassen und braucht dafür lediglich die Unterschrift ihrer biologischen Eltern. Also spürt sie Nate Bazile, genannt Baze (Kristoffer Polaha), auf, ihren Vater, der bis zum Moment ihres ersten Treffens keine Ahnung hatte, dass er eine Tochter hat. Schließlich lernt Lux auch ihre Mutter, Radiostar Cate Cassidy (Shiri Appleby), kennen.
Mit einer Unterschrift der beiden ist es für Lux' Vorhaben jedoch nicht getan: Der Richter gibt stattdessen Baze und Cate das vorübergehende Sorgerecht - der Beginn einer ungewöhnlichen Familienzusammenführung, von der unter anderem Cates Verlobter (Kerr Smith) gar nicht begeistert sein dürfte.
After spending all of her 15 years bouncing from one foster family to another in Portland, Oregon, Lux has decided it's time to take control of her life and become an emancipated minor. Her journey through the legal system leads Lux to her biological parents, local radio personality Cate Cassidy and thirty-something Nate "Baze" Bazile, who had a one-night stand back in high school. Although they haven't seen each other in 15 years, it doesn't take Cate and Baze long to fall into the same contentious relationship they had as teenagers. However, when a judge decides that Lux isn't ready for emancipation and unexpectedly grants temporary joint custody to Baze and Cate, they agree to try to get past the arguments and awkwardness and make a belated attempt to give Lux the family she deserves. The cast also Math, Baze's childhood friend and current roommate, and Ryan Thomas, Cate's fiancé and co-host on K100.
After spending all of her 15 years bouncing from one foster family to another in Portland, Oregon, Lux has decided it's time to take control of her life and become an emancipated minor. Her journey through the legal system leads Lux to her biological parents, local radio personality Cate Cassidy and thirty-something Nate "Baze" Bazile, who had a one-night stand back in high school. Although they haven't seen each other in 15 years, it doesn't take Cate and Baze long to fall into the same contentious relationship they had as teenagers. However, when a judge decides that Lux isn't ready for emancipation and unexpectedly grants temporary joint custody to Baze and Cate, they agree to try to get past the arguments and awkwardness and make a belated attempt to give Lux the family she deserves. The cast also Math, Baze's childhood friend and current roommate, and Ryan Thomas, Cate's fiancé and co-host on K100.