Lodge 49
Jim GavinSchauspieler:
Wyatt Russell, Sonya Cassidy, Eric Allan Kramer, Linda Emond, Brent Jennings, David PasquesiDie Serie „Lodge 49“ ist ein modernes Märchen, das in Long Beach, Kalifornien spielt.
Der charmante aber ausgebrannte Ex-Surfer Dud (Wyatt Russell) schließt sich einer Bruderschaft an, um nach dem Tod seines Vaters zu einem einfachen, glücklichen Lebensstil zurückzufinden. Der Klempnerei-Vertreter Ernie (Brent Jennings) heißt ihn willkommen in einer Welt des billigen Biers, der einfachen Kameraderie und dem Versprechen, dass alchemistische Mysterien Bud auf den Weg zurück in das idyllische Leben bringen könnten, das er verloren hat.
Durch die Lodge und seine neugefundene Verbindung mit ihren anderen Mitgliedern findet Dud den lange vermissten Sinn in seinem Leben und stellt sich seinen tiefsten Ängsten und größten Hoffnungen.
Lodge 49 is a modern fable set in Long Beach. It centers on Dud, a deadbeat but charming ex-surfer who joins a fraternal order hoping to reclaim the simple, happy lifestyle he lost when his father died. Through the Lodge and his newfound connection with the other members, Dud will come to find the missing sense of purpose in his life and confront his deepest fears and greatest hopes. Other key characters in the series include Liz Dudley, Dud's twin sister and Ernie Fontaine, a middle-aged African American and long-time lodge member who welcomes him into this mysterious new world.
Lodge 49 is a modern fable set in Long Beach. It centers on Dud, a deadbeat but charming ex-surfer who joins a fraternal order hoping to reclaim the simple, happy lifestyle he lost when his father died. Through the Lodge and his newfound connection with the other members, Dud will come to find the missing sense of purpose in his life and confront his deepest fears and greatest hopes. Other key characters in the series include Liz Dudley, Dud's twin sister and Ernie Fontaine, a middle-aged African American and long-time lodge member who welcomes him into this mysterious new world.