Michael LannanSchauspieler:
Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Bartlett, Lauren Weedman, Russell Tovey, Raúl CastilloIn der Dramedy „Looking“ geht es um drei Freunde Augustin (Frankie J. Alvarez), Dom (Murray Bartlett) und Patrick (Jonathan Groff), die in San Francisco leben und dort die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten ausleben, die die junge Generation von homosexuellen Männer inzwischen dort hat. Russell Tovey übernimmt die Rolle von Kevin, einem Kollegen von Patrick.
Scott Bakula schlüpft in die Rolle von Lynn, einem attraktiven Unternehmer und einem Eckpfeiler der Castro-Community. Dabei handelt es sich um eine der frühsten und bekanntesten queeren Nachbarschaften, die mittlerweile ein beliebter Anlaufpunkt für die LGBT-Community ist. Sie liegt im Eureka Valley in San Francisco, Kalifornien.
Looking offers up the unfiltered experiences of three close friends living - and loving - in modern-day San Francisco. Friendship may bind them, but each is at a markedly different point in his journey: Patrick is the 29-year-old video game designer getting back into the dating world in the wake of his ex's engagement; aspiring artist Agustín, 31, is questioning the idea of monogamy amid a move to domesticate with his boyfriend; and the group's oldest member - longtime waiter Dom, 39 - is facing middle age with romantic and professional dreams still unfulfilled.The trio's stories intertwine and unspool dramatically as they search for happiness and intimacy in an age of unparalleled choices - and rights - for gay men. Also important to the ‘Looking' mix is the progressive, unpredictable, sexually open culture of the Bay Area, with real San Francisco locations serving as a backdrop for the group's lives. Rounding out the ‘Looking' world are a bevy of dynamic gay men including Kevin, Lynn, and Richie, as well as a wide-range of supporting characters like Dom's roommate Doris, Agustín's boyfriend Frank, and Patrick's co-worker Owen.
Looking offers up the unfiltered experiences of three close friends living - and loving - in modern-day San Francisco. Friendship may bind them, but each is at a markedly different point in his journey: Patrick is the 29-year-old video game designer getting back into the dating world in the wake of his ex's engagement; aspiring artist Agustín, 31, is questioning the idea of monogamy amid a move to domesticate with his boyfriend; and the group's oldest member - longtime waiter Dom, 39 - is facing middle age with romantic and professional dreams still unfulfilled.The trio's stories intertwine and unspool dramatically as they search for happiness and intimacy in an age of unparalleled choices - and rights - for gay men. Also important to the ‘Looking' mix is the progressive, unpredictable, sexually open culture of the Bay Area, with real San Francisco locations serving as a backdrop for the group's lives. Rounding out the ‘Looking' world are a bevy of dynamic gay men including Kevin, Lynn, and Richie, as well as a wide-range of supporting characters like Dom's roommate Doris, Agustín's boyfriend Frank, and Patrick's co-worker Owen.