Vidar MagnussenSchauspieler:
Vidar Magnussen, Pål Rønning, Charlie Hutton, Ola G. Furuseth, Anette Amelia Larsen, Preben Hodneland, Kirsti-Helene Engeberg, Lars Berge, Tim Ahern, Kristoffer Olsen, Siren Jørgensen, Hallvard Holmen, Emily Glaister, Silje StorsteinMagnus (Vidar Magnussen), ein idiotischer und zugleich genialer Polizist, versucht einen Mord zu lösen, der in der nordischen Mythologie verwurzelt ist. Unterstützt wird er von einem suizidgefährdeten Kollegen und einem dürren Nachbarsjungen. Die abenteuerliche Spurensuche wird zunehmend seltsamer, als plötzlich mystische Fabelwesen in der winterlichen Landschaft auftauchen … Die genreübergreifende Serie bewegt sich von Slapstick-Komödie über spannendes Drama bis hin zur romantischen Liebesgeschichte.
Magnus is about police detective Magnus Undredal, who solves criminal cases in his own unique, creative way. The series is told from the perspective of a lonely man who doesn't quite fit in, yet who over the course of the series may just prove that his methods are the only right ones to solve this crime. Because a young woman has been mysteriously murdered and popular actor Robert Danielsen has disappeared without a trace. It quickly becomes evident that cosmic forces are at work. Magnus investigates by elaborately reasoning his way to logical conclusions and using his special skills – such as turning himself into a chest of drawers, or hiding inside an armchair – to eventually find the right answers.
Magnus is about police detective Magnus Undredal, who solves criminal cases in his own unique, creative way. The series is told from the perspective of a lonely man who doesn't quite fit in, yet who over the course of the series may just prove that his methods are the only right ones to solve this crime. Because a young woman has been mysteriously murdered and popular actor Robert Danielsen has disappeared without a trace. It quickly becomes evident that cosmic forces are at work. Magnus investigates by elaborately reasoning his way to logical conclusions and using his special skills – such as turning himself into a chest of drawers, or hiding inside an armchair – to eventually find the right answers.