Making History
Julius SharpeSchauspieler:
Adam Pally, Yassir Lester, Leighton Meester, John Gemberling, Neil CaseyIn der Comedy „Making History“ reisen drei ungleiche Freunde durch die Zeit und richten damit im Jahr 2016 großen Schaden an. In den drei Hauptrollen, die den zeitreisenden Freundeskreis ausmachen sind Adam Pally als Dan, Leighton Meester als Deborah und Yassir Lester als Chris zu sehen. Das Trio besucht einige der größten Momente der Menschheitsgeschichte, aber kompliziert damit sein Leben im Jahr 2016.
Dan ist ein nerdiger IT-Professor, der die Zeitreisemethode entwickelt hat. In der Vergangenheit verwendet er wiederholt berühmte Filmzitate oder noch nicht geschriebene Musik, um seine Mitmenschen zu beeindrucken. Das macht ihn automatisch viel cooler und selbstsicherer sobald er auf Zeitreise geht. Deborah ist eine gebildete junge Dame, die zu Kolonialzeiten in Amerika lebt und damit hadert, ihre progressiven Ideale in ein regressives Zeitalter einzugliedern.
Chris ist ein 30 Jahre alter Geschichtsprofessor. Er ist aus gutem Grund der beliebteste Lehrer am Campus, denn er hat die Gabe Menschen mit seinem enzyklopädischen Wissen der Geschichte zu inspirieren. Frauen lieben ihn und Männer wollen ihn zum Kumpel, doch wenn er in die Vergangenheit reist, gerät vieles außer Kontrolle.
Making History follows three friends from two different centuries as they try to balance the thrill of time travel with the mundane concerns of their present-day lives. Two shows in one, it's both a rollicking historical adventure, and a contemporary comedy about love, friendship and trying to fit in to an increasingly complex and impersonal world.Dan Chambers, a computer science professor at a small Massachusetts college, recently discovered time travel and has been transporting himself back to the 1700s to spend time with the colonial woman he's fallen for. In the present, Dan is an unpopular nerd. But by claiming song lyrics, lines from movies and stand-up bits as his own in the 18th century, he's absolutely hilarious - he gets the girl and makes friends. But Dan's actions in the past are messing up the present. That woman he's dating is not just any woman. She's Paul Revere's daughter, Deborah, and Dan's meddling in the past causes her father to delay his famous ride, which may have altered the outcome of the entire American Revolution. To set matters right, Dan enlists the help of his colleague, Chris Parish, a brilliant, polished and popular history professor, who's now given the incredible opportunity to actually live the history he teaches. Can Dan, Chris and Deborah save America as we know it? Can a woman from 1775 adapt to life in 2016? Can the three intrepid time travelers improve the past, help the helpless, fight for justice and get rich?
Making History follows three friends from two different centuries as they try to balance the thrill of time travel with the mundane concerns of their present-day lives. Two shows in one, it's both a rollicking historical adventure, and a contemporary comedy about love, friendship and trying to fit in to an increasingly complex and impersonal world.Dan Chambers, a computer science professor at a small Massachusetts college, recently discovered time travel and has been transporting himself back to the 1700s to spend time with the colonial woman he's fallen for. In the present, Dan is an unpopular nerd. But by claiming song lyrics, lines from movies and stand-up bits as his own in the 18th century, he's absolutely hilarious - he gets the girl and makes friends. But Dan's actions in the past are messing up the present. That woman he's dating is not just any woman. She's Paul Revere's daughter, Deborah, and Dan's meddling in the past causes her father to delay his famous ride, which may have altered the outcome of the entire American Revolution. To set matters right, Dan enlists the help of his colleague, Chris Parish, a brilliant, polished and popular history professor, who's now given the incredible opportunity to actually live the history he teaches. Can Dan, Chris and Deborah save America as we know it? Can a woman from 1775 adapt to life in 2016? Can the three intrepid time travelers improve the past, help the helpless, fight for justice and get rich?