Malcolm mittendrin
Linwood BoomerSchauspieler:
Jane Kaczmarek, Bryan Cranston, Christopher Masterson, Justin Berfield, Erik Per Sullivan, Catherine Lloyd Burns, Frankie MunizMalcolm ist das klügste Kind in seiner Familie, aber das hält ihn nicht davon ab, mit seinen Brüdern allerlei Blödsinn anzustellen. Sein großer Bruder Francis wurde wegen allerlei Vorfälle auf eine Militärakademie geschickt, weshalb jetzt nur noch Malcolm, Reese und Dewey ihren Eltern auf die Nerven gehen können. Während der Vater Hal eher ruhig und naiv ist, und deshalb nicht in der Lage die Kinder unter Kontrolle zu halten, ist die Mutter Lois kompromisslos. Sie hat fast täglich Wutausbrüche und bestraft ihre Kinder mit stundenlangem mit dem Kopf zur Wand knien - mit den Händen hinter dem Kopf.
In the words of They Might Be Giants' rollicking Grammy-winning theme song, "life is unfair." The inventive and wholly original sitcom Malcolm in the Middle has been honored with a Peabody Award and Emmys for directing and writing, but if life was fair, it would have earned an Emmy for Best Comedy Series, not to mention statuettes for its pitch-perfect cast. With his perpetual "yes, me worry" expression, Frankie Muniz instantly earns audience empathy as Malcolm, whose chances for a normal life are thwarted not only by his genius IQ, but also by his outrageously dysfunctional family: Lois, his obsessive, control-freak mother; Hal, his loving but ineffectual father; Francis, his eldest brother waging his own private war at military school; middle brother Reese, a delinquent savant; and Dewey, the put-upon youngest. As Malcolm observes at one point, "This family may be rude, loud and gross, and have no shame whatsoever, but with them you know where you stand."
In the words of They Might Be Giants' rollicking Grammy-winning theme song, "life is unfair." The inventive and wholly original sitcom Malcolm in the Middle has been honored with a Peabody Award and Emmys for directing and writing, but if life was fair, it would have earned an Emmy for Best Comedy Series, not to mention statuettes for its pitch-perfect cast. With his perpetual "yes, me worry" expression, Frankie Muniz instantly earns audience empathy as Malcolm, whose chances for a normal life are thwarted not only by his genius IQ, but also by his outrageously dysfunctional family: Lois, his obsessive, control-freak mother; Hal, his loving but ineffectual father; Francis, his eldest brother waging his own private war at military school; middle brother Reese, a delinquent savant; and Dewey, the put-upon youngest. As Malcolm observes at one point, "This family may be rude, loud and gross, and have no shame whatsoever, but with them you know where you stand."