Man with a Plan
Jackie Filgo, Jeff FilgoSchauspieler:
Matt LeBlanc, Liza Snyder, Kevin Nealon, Matt Cook, Grace Kaufman, Matthew McCann, Hala Finley, Stacy Keach, Kali Rocha, Diana-Maria Riva, Jessica ChaffinIn dem Comedy-Serie „Man with a Plan“ übernimmt ein Bauunternehmer von seiner Ehefrau die Rolle als Hausmann und muss mit den neuen Aufgaben zurechtkommen. Matt LeBlanc wird die Hauptrolle spielen. Adam ist ein Vater, der sich mit den Schwierigkeiten der Kindererziehung auseinandersetzen muss, als seine Frau ins Berufsleben zurückkehrt.
Matt Cook ist als Lowell mit von der Partie, ein süßer, intellektueller Vater, dessen Kinder zur gleichen Schule wie Adams gehen. Er fühlt sich zu Alphamännchen Adam hingezogen. Grace Kaufman spielt Andis und Adams ältestes Kind Kate, ein intelligentes, aber aktuell unter Hormonen leidendes Mädchen, das sich zunächst freut als Dad das Kommando übernimmt.
Man With a Plan is a comedy about an old-school guy confronting the modern challenges of parenting, marriage, and family. Adam's self-assured wife, Andi, has gone back to work, forcing him to deal with the startling discovery that his three school-age "little angels" are maniacs, all the while trying to run a contracting business with his troublemaker brother, Don. In the midst of all this, Adam also has to deal with his strong-willed and opinionated father, Joe, who enjoys giving him terrible advice about how to run his life. With Andi's encouragement, and help from an unlikely friend Lowell, Adam takes charge of his brood, lays down the law, and discovers he's going to "nail" this job.
Man With a Plan is a comedy about an old-school guy confronting the modern challenges of parenting, marriage, and family. Adam's self-assured wife, Andi, has gone back to work, forcing him to deal with the startling discovery that his three school-age "little angels" are maniacs, all the while trying to run a contracting business with his troublemaker brother, Don. In the midst of all this, Adam also has to deal with his strong-willed and opinionated father, Joe, who enjoys giving him terrible advice about how to run his life. With Andi's encouragement, and help from an unlikely friend Lowell, Adam takes charge of his brood, lays down the law, and discovers he's going to "nail" this job.