Stefan GolaszewskiSchauspieler:
Sean Bean, Nicola Walker, Henry Lloyd-Hughes, Chantelle Alle, Jack Holden, James Bolam, Miles Barrow„Marriage“ erzählt die Geschichte von Ian (Bean) und Emma (Walker), die seit 30 Jahren verheiratet sind. Nun wird es Zeit, die Höhen und Tiefen ihrer Ehe Revue passieren zu lassen. Dabei kämpfen sie mit ihren eigenen Unsicherheiten, Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen, die Teil jeder ehelichen Verbindung sind.
Marriage sees married couple Ian and Emma negotiate the ups and downs of their 30-year marriage. We see them dealing with the insecurities, the ambiguities, the hopes and the fears that are part of all marriages, as the drama explores the risks and the gifts of a long-term intimate relationship.
Marriage sees married couple Ian and Emma negotiate the ups and downs of their 30-year marriage. We see them dealing with the insecurities, the ambiguities, the hopes and the fears that are part of all marriages, as the drama explores the risks and the gifts of a long-term intimate relationship.