Miles von Morgen
Sascha PaladinoSchauspieler:
Cullen McCarthy, Justin Felbinger, Olivia Munn, Fiona Bishop, Dee Bradley Baker, Tom Kenny, Grey Griffin, Diedrich Bader, Danny Jacobs, Sam Lavagnani, Stephanie ShehDer kleine Miles ist ein Weltraum-Abenteurer, der für jeden galaktischen Spaß zu haben ist. Gemeinsam mit seiner großen Schwester Loretta und seinen Forscher-Eltern Phoebe und Leo lebt er im All und geht auf spannende Missionen, um andere Welten zu erforschen. Immer mit dabei ist sein bester Freund Merc, ein Roboter-Vogel-Strauß. Auf ihm reitet er durch den Weltraum, lernt Außerirdische kennen und entdeckt bislang unerforschte Gebiete des Sonnensystems. In den Weiten der Galaxie müssen sich die Callistos immer aufeinander verlassen können. Miles’ Mutter Phoebe, ebenfalls bekannt als „Käpt’n Calllisto“, ist eine ehrgeizige und erfolgreiche Frau, die ihre Familie stets anfeuert. Miles’ Vater Leo, der Pilot des Familienschiffes, erfindet ständig Neues. Und Miles’ ältere Schwester Loretta punktet als Technikfan. Mit ihrem speziellen Info-Armband ist sie eine unverzichtbare Hilfe bei den intergalaktischen Abenteuern des Clans.
Space adventurer Miles Callisto is always ready for action, traveling through the universe with his family and his best friend, a robo-ostrich named Merc. The family includes mom Phoebe, the ship's captain who sets a good example and encourages her family on every mission; dad Leo, a laid-back pilot and inventor who isn't afraid to try new things; and big sister Loretta, who is a brilliant computer coder and always has her brother's back. Together, they use teamwork and problem solving as they encounter obstacles while completing missions throughout outer space for the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. The Callistos' home base is a floating space station called the Stellosphere, and the StarJetter is the vehicle they use to go to other planets and galaxies. Each episode features a fact related to space or science that inspires the storyline for Miles from Tomorrowland.
Space adventurer Miles Callisto is always ready for action, traveling through the universe with his family and his best friend, a robo-ostrich named Merc. The family includes mom Phoebe, the ship's captain who sets a good example and encourages her family on every mission; dad Leo, a laid-back pilot and inventor who isn't afraid to try new things; and big sister Loretta, who is a brilliant computer coder and always has her brother's back. Together, they use teamwork and problem solving as they encounter obstacles while completing missions throughout outer space for the Tomorrowland Transit Authority. The Callistos' home base is a floating space station called the Stellosphere, and the StarJetter is the vehicle they use to go to other planets and galaxies. Each episode features a fact related to space or science that inspires the storyline for Miles from Tomorrowland.